Dark Side of Lightside (Denali Station)

Revision as of 18:00, 24 January 2024 by Alora DeVeau (talk | contribs) (→‎Act 1: Added Science team.)


Act 1

Science Lab 1

Commander Alora DeVeau combines forces with Lieutenant JG Sasus Raimor and Ensign Arthur Strathmore and take a closer look at the strange toxin discovered at the Invitational. While the initial substance was only addictive in nature, a second batch loaded onto drones and prepared to release the toxin on the audience at large proved to be far more deadly. As the trio look at how to develop an antitoxin, they also consider the repercussions should it get released on a wide scale. Strathmore warns of mass hysteria should such an event occur. All three are determined not to let that happen, and they take Raimor’s discovery of a substance that they could target to help break down the toxin as well as a second angle to work on developing a way to combat it. As the ship goes to yellow alert, the group get to work in hopes of having a solution before they reach the station.

Act 2