Sival/Psychological Profile

< Sival
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Psychological Profile

USS Juneau
Position Medical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Human/Vulcan
Gender Male
DOB 232410.03
Age 77
Birthplace Rh'lar, Han-shir Continent, Vulcan
Writer ID J239808S11
Service Ribbons
Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon.png
Awards ServiceRibbons Graduate.jpg

Good Conduct Ribbon
Starfleet Investigation Ribbon
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon

Player Achievements
Friends in high places
What's up, doc?
A face for the name
It's all in the details
Data hound
Primum Nil Nocere

Core Traits


Sival holds an overall optimistic outlook on life. He believes any situation can be improved upon, and any problem can be solved. He is almost always confident that everything will workout… eventually, somehow.


Integrity is an important value for Sival. Integrity has been defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles that you refuse to change.”1 This quality, which Sival has also described as his ‘steadfast rod of truth’ has guided him throughout his life and career, especially. That it aligns with the ethos of Starfleet, as he understands it, is partly what makes being an officer a perfect fit for him. However, just because he has a strong sense of Picard-esque morality, it doesn’t mean he is inflexible or rigid. Rather, he has been able to adapt his quest for truth to almost any situation, and it guides which possibilities to consider when he is exploring permutations of a problem.


Most of the time, Sival is measured, methodological and fully in control. He takes satisfaction in an attention to detail and in considering alternatives carefully before deciding on a course of action. However, Sival is also a man of ideas, and it is in considering them that he can become excited. Due to the uniqueness of his human-Vulcan biochemistry, Sival experiences feelings stronger than other humans. Feelings such as excitement, wonder, amazement, and the like, have the potential to catch him off guard while he is pondering ideas, be it a new surgical technique or a novel patient treatment plan, for example. He has the potential to get so caught up in ideas that he loses some connection with practical reality and the smaller details that get him from point A to point B. He is aware of this tendency, and he has benefited from certain mindful meditation techniques, as well as by having a nurse nearby to remind him of what is practical as opposed to just what is possible.


Sival has an affinity toward the natural world and the world of theories and ideas. He is also drawn to people and situations that nurture these qualities, as well as allow him to be in an environment that draws upon his introversion and where ideas can be freely discussed. He tends to gravitate towards several genres of music as well.


Sival has taken great care with regard to how he conducts himself, especially professionally. Sival believes that professional comportment is critical to fostering a productive relationship among a healthcare team, and he believes it promotes mutual respect and harmony.2


Introverted by nature, Sival usually does not make much known to others about his personal life; however, he is working on developing the skill of sharing some information, such as interests and some personal experiences, in social situations. Although he is half-human, Sival has also adopted a Vulcan sensibility about only sharing necessary and relevant information, and that usually precludes ‘small talk’ and information about himself. Nevertheless, Sival does ‘open up’ to those he is close to, such as colleagues he works with frequently and respects or with friends. With these people, he also is more open about expressing his emotions as well. With most people, on the other hand, Sival has accepted that he will leave the impression that he is either entirely Vulcan or has chosen a Vulcan way of life, not revealing a rich inner life filled with both ideas and emotion.3

More Personality Traits

  • Typical Emotional Disposition / Affect: While emotions are typically intentionally inhibited, affect is usually appropriate to context, albeit constricted
  • Proudest Achievements in Life: the birth of his son; assisting refugees after the Hobus supernova
  • Self Control: Is usually able to control himself; he has a hyper-awareness about this
  • Discouragement: violence, conflict, disharmony
  • Confidence Level: Sival is confident in most situations, but he is still developing his confidence in social interactions.
  • Sense of Humor: Sival sometimes has a dry and witty sense of humor, more than he gives himself credit for.
  • Secrets: connected to the death of a high-ranking official
  • Regrets: not having spent more time with his family while his wife was alive

Behavioral Traits

  • Gets hung up on the little things
  • Has an interest in human behavior and psychology
  • Cannot let go unless every possibility has been explored
  • Reads into what people say and do
  • Looks for patterns and cause-effect relationships
  • Needs to categorize and find order in his life
  • Explores how a decision creates a chain reaction
  • Uncomfortable with sarcasm and jokes
  • Obsesses over minute details
  • Not able to let something go
  • Needs to understand the 'why' behind a process, action or behavior
  • Shows less emotion than most people
  • Is mostly organized and logical
  • Adheres to routines and schedules
  • Is honest, even when it hurts
  • Skeptical when presented with new ideas without proof
  • Struggles in social situations (small talk, etc.)
  • Is highly observant
  • Corrects misinformation and misconceptions4

Personality Doppelgangers

  • Sheldon Cooper

  • Sherlock Holmes

  • Mike McDermott

  • Lincoln Rhyme


Interdisciplinary Skills

Sival may have some skills relevant to Starfleet outside of Medical. Sival's competence, comfort and overall performance ability is expressed in a range between 1 and 10.

Job Function Transference Job Function Transference
Command 5 Engineering 4
Security 3 Tactical 2
Science 8 Counselling 9
Conn 2 Intelligence 5

Notes and References

Note 1:  INTEGRITY definition in the Cambridge English dictionary
Note 2:  Professional comportment: the missing element in nursing practice
Note 3:  More about disclosure can be understood through the Johari Window Model
Note 4:  Adapted from Ackerman, A., & Puglisi, B. (2013). The Positive Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Attributes (Writers Helping Writers Series). JADD Publishing.

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Academy Transcript Psychological Profile