Ikaia Wong/239803.09 A Crazy Thing Happened on Donova

//Personal Log 239803.09

Let’s just say Donova was wild. It started off with us participating in the local Battle of the Bands competition. We went under the name Glasgow Kiss and we played in kilts! Well… most of us at least anyways. Miss Navarro was adamant against wearing one. Our performance went well. But just well… a lot happened in the middle of that. Ukinix rescued a quokka--- wait. Am I pronouncing that right? Quokka? It’s a small cute little brown critter. Anyways, that happened. Then there was that whole drama between Gorgeous George and his assistant versus Maria Chicchoni with the animals and Donova’s environment caught in the middle. Why the environment? Well, because of the importation of non-native species, we encountered a fungus brought in by one of them and it was tearing up the farmers’ fields. I mean this is JUST what we know about! I think what bothered me about the whole thing is that George and Maria were so obsessed with each other to an unhealthy degree that they couldn’t see the damage that they were causing. They had the power to inspire each other to be better people and to do good. I can honestly see how George’s musical talent and Maria’s skills actually work well together to raise awareness of environmental and animal welfare issues. But that didn’t happen. The last I saw of everyone, they were still at each other throats. That to me was tragic.

Speaking of tragic, there’s everything dealing with Miss Bey. Or who I thought she was. It turns out I was friends with someone who didn’t really exist. Well, technically they did. Semu was a real person who passed away in a training accident. The person I got to know on the Veritas was someone pretending to be her in order to get close enough to us to steal from us. Then she--- actually HE. As in he was disguised as Semu. He was murdered. It’s just really complicated for me. It has me questioning what’s real and what isn’t. Like was any of our friendship actually real? Was I being used too? Are our new ensigns more of these Chamelioids? Are they real? I still don’t know how to actually feel about this. I think I’m going to have to speak to Navarro. Hopefully, she doesn’t mind me dropping by.

Then that kind of brings me to the big thing I experienced on Donova - tigers. Tigers EVERYWHERE. Or more accurately running all over the place in the convention centre. Oh my god…. I’ve probably broken a bunch of Starfleet regulations over there! I BOUGHT a bike from a Ferengi with money that wasn’t even mine that I was SUPPOSED to return to Parker, rode that bike around the convention centre while putting myself in harm’s way as LIVE BAIT, not to mention I actually lost my commbadge when I crashed the bike in the equipment hutch, manhandled a superior officer…. all DIRECTLY IN FRONT of my CAPTAIN! AUGH! I’m surprised she hasn’t brigged me yet. I’m just here waiting for that shoe to fall. In fact, it’s GOING to fall. But at the time I was really concerned for everyone’s well being. I’m just… REALLY passionate about everyone’s health, okay?

I still have to tell Parker what I did with the money. I mean I did try raising some on my social media doing my daily positivity videos. I hope he’d be okay with that. But still. I STOLE. That’s bad. And now I have to tell him that!!! I’m just standing outside his office right now and just--- okay. Just breathe. It’s going to be fine. He’s NOT going to skin me alive and turn me into a fancy Klingon skin jacket. I’m… I’m going to be FINE.