Thunder-A Support Craft

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Overview of Craft

Non-Laudean craft are assigned at a number of locations.

Attack Craft

6x Lancer-Class Multirole Fighters


Image Specs
  • Length : 18 m
  • Beam : 14 m
  • Height : 3.8 m
  • Decks : 1
  • Crew: 2 Pilot and Operations Manager (May be piloted single seat)
  • Armament: Two forward facing type X phaser cannons, One type VIII phaser emitter (Aft), One bow-mounted Micro-Photon torpedo launcher with 8 torpedoes.
  • Defensive Systems: Type 10 deflector, Single light Duranium/Tritanium, Enhanced Structural Integrity Field
  • Armour: 4cm Ablative Armour
  • Engines: Impulse and Maneuvering thrusters
  • Other Equipment/ Information: Deploy able airfoils for atmospheric maneuvers. The fighters are split into two squads both with 4 fighters so one is always on standby.

6x Peregrine Class Fighter

The Peregrine Fighter was Starfleet's first attempt at a heavy fighter design. It was developed in 2367 and designed to help in fleet actions by causing the enemy vessels to split their fire amongst multiple targets, whilst delivering a powerful punch itself. Capable of a top cruise speed of warp 4.5 it has a similar speed to that of a Valkyrie MKI, allowing it to operate short distances away from its homebase or carrier vessel. However, it is common practice for these vessels to be used at impulse.

Image Specs
  • Length : 18 m
  • Beam : 17.5 m
  • Height : 5.82 m
  • Decks : 1
  • Crew: 2 Pilot and Operations Manager (May be piloted single seat)
  • Armament: Two Micro-Torpedo Launchers with Ten Micro-Quantum Torpedoes.Type IV Phaser Array & 2x Type U+ Micro-Pulse.
  • Defensive Systems: Type 10 deflector, Single light Duranium/Tritanium, Enhanced Structural Integrity Field
  • Armour: 4cm Ablative Armour
  • Engines: Impulse and Maneuvering thrusters. Warp Engines with Cruising Velocity of Warp 4 and Max of 4.5.
  • Other Equipment/ Information:

2x Valkyrie Mark II Fighter

After the development of new fighter technology, Starfleet decided to modify the Valkyrie Class Fighter, dubbing it the Mark II. If successful, the Mark II fighter would replace aging Mark I models. The Mark II's have received an upgrade to propulsion, weapons, shielding, and defensive capabilities.

Just like the Mark I, the newer Mark II is intended to be used in small groups, where a local shield can be projected and shared by the fighters during an attack run. Each small ship contributes a portion of its resources to the group shield, thereby savings power to divert to weapons and repair systems.

Image Specs
  • Length : 24 m
  • Beam : 16 m
  • Height : 6 m
  • Decks : 1
  • Crew: Crew: One (Can accommodate 3)
  • Armament: Four type VIII phaser emitter, Two bow-mounted burst micro-torpedo launchers with 25 micro-quantum torpedoes.
  • Defensive Systems: Type 10 deflector, Single light Duranium/Tritanium, Enhanced Structural Integrity Field
  • Armour: 6cm Ablative Armour
  • Engines: Impulse and Maneuvering thrusters, Warp Engines with Cruising Velocity of Warp 5 and Max of 6.
  • Other Equipment/ Information: The Mark II was outfitted with modifications that allow increased maneuverability while in atmospheric flight.

The hull of the spacecraft is painted with a nanoresin containing cultures of a space radiation absorbent material that, when charged with tachyon particles, emits radiation on the same wavelength as the surrounding space, making it much more difficult for a passive sensor scan to detect the fighter. Furthermore, the dark patches on the paint cover small graviton wave projectors. These projectors are used to distort the craft's mass readings, making it appear to be an object of inconsistent mass, similar to an asteroid or debris.

Support Craft

5x Arrow class

Image Specs
  • Length : 26 m
  • Beam : 16.1 m
  • Height : 5.4 m
  • Decks : 1
  • Crew: 6 Up to 40 for evacuations.
  • Armament: Two type-9 phaser emitters; 2 torpedo launchers
  • Defensive Systems: Auto-Modulating Shields
  • Armour: Tritanium Composite
  • Engines: Impulse and Maneuvering thrusters, Warp Engines with Cruising Velocity of Warp 5 and Max of 6.
  • Other Equipment/ Information:


There are three Starfleet Runabouts stationed on USS Thunder-A:

Location & Usage

Runabout Stats

  • Dimensions
    • Length: 23.1m
    • Beam: 13.7 m
    • Height: 5.4 m
    • Decks : 1
  • Crew: 13 (40 evacuation limit)
  • Armament
    • 4 x Type IV phaser arrays, total output 750 TeraWatts
    • 2 x Micro photon torpedo tubes + 24 torpedoes
  • Defense Systems
    • Standard shield system, total capacity 56,700 TeraJoules
    • Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull
    • Low level Structural Integrity Field
  • Warp Speeds
    • Normal Cruise: 4
    • Maximum Cruise: 5
    • Maximum Rated: 5.2 for 12 hours