Na'Lae Mandak

Revision as of 01:14, 27 July 2016 by Jalana (talk | contribs)


Ensign Na'Lae Mandakis currently Serving Aboard the USS Constitution-B as the Helmsman

USS Constitution-B
Na'Lae Mandak.png
STO Ensign Red.jpg
STO Blank Red.jpg
Na'Lae Mandak
Position Helmsman
Rank Ensign
Species Rekarian
Gender Female
DOB 236605.05
Age 35
Birthplace Rekar III

Name: Na'Lae Mandak

Age: 34 years

-Physical Attributes-

Race: Rekarian (Full)

Height: 5'7

Weight: 155

Build: Athletic but strong build with a larger bust, and broader than average shoulders.

Hair Color / Preferred Length: Auburn/Dark - Long usually

Eyes: Vivid Green (Not neon, but a brighter shade of the normal color)

Adopted Parent: Johan Mandak

Na'Lae features darker than average features, and a strong demeanor. She has the traditional Rekarian Markings on her forehead, and the typical romulan straight eyebrows and ears. She comes off as a rather attractive woman, but as many discover, there are a few defense mechanisms she has acquired over the years.


Lae tends to be sarcastic when cornered, as opposed to submissive. She is a very DIRECT person, and has no time for passive-aggressiveness. This has gotten her into fights in the past, both physical and verbal, but never to the point of no return. Lae has a mental focus that has kept her through the years.

Initially, she may seem as if she has no interest, but as she gets to figuring someone out, the more in tune she will be with the personal or group dynamic. This has sometimes branded her as a loner, but she likes to think of it as being extra observant before offering herself to anyone.

She has no specific hates in life, and is generally optimistic about most every situation, believing that good thinking guides you to make good choices.


Na'Lae was raised in the large farming community of Ro'Thwan. Ro'Thwan was a tightly knit community that had survived the initial habitation of Rekar III some time ago. Although the community itself was closely bound, and tightly controlled, Na'Lae always managed to explore outside influence one way or another. She found herself gravitating towards star ports, and other major trade centers, where she would be able to see warships, traders, freighters and star racers alike conducting business between moons.

Over time, the strife and grief of her parents, Aeynne Frelhan and Dormak Frelhan, for not tending to her community duties was becoming unbearable, and she meant to leave her home in search of adventure. Things were cut short in her life however, when a traditional competition ceremony with a rival community seemed to spur beyond the norm. These competitions were typically not meant to spark tensions between communities, but in this case, once evidence of cheating was discovered, both communities clashed in a brutal hand to hand fight. There were many casualties and collateral damages, including the desctruction of the Frelhan Family co-op... and the death of her parents...

Na'Lae would leave that place, and she made for the only other place she knew. She got her first job outside the community at the Rel'Sara trade port on Rekar III as a logistics servant, moving heavy cargo with machinery, and learning the very basics of piloting small craft. Through 5 years of service there, she was picked up by a star freighter by the name of Johan Mandak. Johan was more like her father than she could've ever imagined, and she quickly formed a bond with him. Moving her way up through the ranks of his trade empire, she eventually found herself piloting her own vessel. Lae would eventually go on to adopt his last name, and officially ackowledge him as her real father. They still speak often today.