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(( Security Office - USS Thunder-A ))

:: It was only by chance that Nugra stopped by his office to check on a few background checks when his panel alerted him to an incoming message. Sitting down and leaning toward the LCD screen, he saw the name Lieutenant JG Sundassa Faranster and frowned in concentration. The name was very familiar, but at the moment he was having trouble remembering. Tapping on the screen to get the routing information of the message he saw it was coming from the USS Apollo. ::

Nugra: oO Oh! That's right! Oo

:: Tapping the accept transmission button the screen changed to the face of a Antosian woman with lilac hair and eyes to match. She was one of the cadets from a training class he ran back on Starbase 118 in part of his Senior Officer Canidate School (SOCS) 6 months back. Something about her had struck him and he could not resist taking her under his wing so that her potential would not be squandered. ::

(( Sundassa's quarters, USS – Apollo ))

:: Sun had just gotten her promotion, she knew there were people she wanted to tell, but one of them was her trainer from the Academy. She felt he deserved to know she was doing well, that one of his cadets was moving up. She sat down at the computer terminal in her quarters. She looking for the right information to contact her mentor Nugra, and opened the channel, it took a moment for Commander Nugra to appear on her screen. She smiled warmly at the face on the screen. ::

Nugra: Greetings! It has been a long time. What can I do for you?

Faranster: Was hoping I didn't catch you at a bad time. That maybe you had a few moments to catch up.

:: She moved her braid off her collar and onto her back where it wasn't obstructing the view of her collar. She hoped the new pin was visible through the screen. ::

Nugra: I can make time. I see you have made it up the ranks. Congratulations on your new pip.

Faranster: I just got it today, and I am now Assistant Chief Medical Officer.

Nugra: Assistant CMO? That is a great step. Especially as a Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Faranster: Thank you, sir. If it wasn't for your pushing me in the academy, I probably would have fallen on my face, sir.

Nugra: I had confidence in your abilities. How is the Apollo treating you?

Faranster: So far? :: She paused, this was a long answer, because it was a long couple days. :: Well, the people are great, they seem friendly and everything. I got here just in time to be sent on my first mission. Couldn't transport down so had to use shuttles, our shuttle crashed, everyone got banged up a bit, some more than others. I got my first dose of field medicine, was a scary experience, having to perform a procedure out of sickbay to restore someone's vision.

Nugra: I'm impressed. Did you survive and did the surgury go well?

Faranster: Besides me shaking like a leaf after? The surgery was a success, and then we finally got to the root of our mission. It was a mess. Someone started detonating explosives above ground while we were in some caves, and those who had working shuttles left without three of us. Which freaked me out something fierce, because the two I were left with were exposed to something nasty that was killing them. But, I guess things work out, because here I am...

Nugra: I see. I'm glad you made it safely out of that situation. We ourselves just survived an encounter in the orbit of Jupiter some time ago. Afraid the rest is classified.

Faranster: Well, I am glad that you are safe too. Woulda hated getting a blank screen and trying to wonder what happened until it got dribbled down the grapevine.

Nugra: Any idea where you are off to next?

Faranster: None yet, I think if it were something the medical department needed to prep for, I might be briefed before hand. I think I'd only find out when we get there, if it's necessary. My job being with the injured and taking over Commander Laxyn's duties if she becomes unfit to continue. :: She sighed. ::

Nugra: Ah. We've had a few interpersonal issues ourselves, but that's people are something we cannot escape.

Faranster: I just hope this next mission is a bit more... calm. :: She smiled at the Gorn. ::

Nugra: Agreed.

Faranster: So, you guys doing anything interesting?

Nugra: At the moment, returning to Duronis II, in the Duronis Sector.

Faranster: The Duronis Sector? :: She wasn't familiar with many of the planets or quadrants or sectors yet, maybe as more time in space passed, she'd be more familiar, she might have to sit down with someone and go over star charts to get familiar. ::

Nugra: Oh, it's in an out of the way star system outside of Federation space. We're nestled between the Romulan Star Empire and the Zalkonian Suzerainty. Remote as you can get.

Faranster: I'll have to take your word for it, Commander Nugra. Must get some interesting projects being in the corner hole of the universe...

Nugra: Well, the biggest project I've got right now is re-vamping the security, but that depends on the political climate when we arrive back. The Laudeans had to put up with a Klingon invasion last year.

Faranster: I know the Klingons have something of a sibling rivalry with the Federation, but I still don't understand why to go out of the way to poke at a bear... :: She never understood aggressive species. Her people were peaceful and friendly, and sometimes they were taken advantage of for this, but that didn't mean they were defenseless or the doormats some of these aggressive species thought they were. Centuries ago there was a race of humanoids that made that mistake, only to be taken to the brink of extinction when the Antosians fought back, driving them to their planet and destroying everything that made them space ready, leaving them only small rural towns, farms and forest dwellers. ::

Nugra: Predators attack when they feel threatened. I can understand to a certain extent.

Faranster: I suppose, but I don't have to understand it. It just doesn't seem like the smart thing to do.

Nugra: Sometimes it isn't, but you have to do it anyway.

Faranster: I would like to think all species have the potential for being peaceful. :: She smiled at her mentor, she thought his species was a good example, or at least he was. He seemed intimidating in the beginning, gruff, but something about him made her comfortable around him. She was friendly with everyone naturally, but some of the more intimidating species did make her wonder. She supposed it was because she couldn't tell very well if he was smiling or not when he said or did something, so she just gave him the benefit of the doubt. ::

Nugra: One day. It'll take people like you and me to bring it around.

Faranster: :: She smiled. :: Guess that's what the Federation is supposed to be there for.

Nugra: (Glancing at Chronometer) I've got to make my rounds. Just recently got promoted to Deck Officer so there is a lot more work for me to do.

Faranster: Well, congratulations to you too, Commander.

Nugra: I am glad you took the time to contact me. It is good to see how far you've come already. Please don't hesitate to contact me again.

Faranster: And you can contact me too. Hope everything goes well on your next mission.

:: The Channel closed and Nugra stood up to begin his rounds, a little more pleased than before the conversation. ::

(( Sundassa's Quarters, USS Apollo ))

:: She watched her Academy mentor disappear off screen, and the channel close. She was glad that she had an opportunity to catch up with the man. ::

JP by

Lt Cmdr Nugra

Deck Officer

USS Thunder-A

Embassy, Duronis II


Lieutenant JG Sundassa Faranster

Assistant Chief Medical Officer

USS Apollo