User:Zephyr/Community Activities

< User:Zephyr
Revision as of 07:10, 24 February 2015 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (updated involvement on the victory (normal date.) updated involvement on the victory from my last edit was the stardate. derp.)
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Button-service-records.jpg Button-awards.jpg Button-fleet-activites.jpg Button-managerie.jpg

Past Community Activities
Icon Team Name Involvement Date
Imglogo.jpg The Image Collective Added pips to people's collars, attempted to learn how to manipulate photos for banners. Team Member:
10/13 - 07/14
239010 - 239107
Starbase 118 Ops Starbase 118 Ops Helped keep crew navs, rosters and histories up to date. Assistant Wiki Maintainer
02/13 - 08/13
239002 - 239008
Excaliburlogo.png USS Excalibur-A Helped keep crew navs, rosters and histories up to date. Under supervision of Lt. Commander Benjamin Livingston Assistant Wiki Maintainer
10/13 - 06/14
239010 - 239106
Present Community Activities
Wiki Ops logo.png Wiki Operations Help maintain various aspects of the 118 wiki. Team Member
06/14 - Present
239106 - Present
Sdcbig.jpg Species Development Committee Helped vote on species, occasionally edit for content/spelling mistakes. Team Member
2/14 - Present
239102 - Present
History Team Co-Facilitator Helping with crew histories, history of the fleet, etc. Co-Facilitator
01/15 - Present
239201.07 - Present

Team Member
02/14 - 01/15
239102 - 239201.07

Featured-bios.jpg Featured Bio Contest Active Judge, and giving feedback where appropriate. Team Member
05/14 - Present
239105 - Present
GarudaLargeLogo.png USS Garuda Helping with crew navs, rosters, histories, face list, etc. up to date. Also redid awards page. Assistant Wiki Maintainer
06/14 - Present
239106 - Present

Staff Member
10/14 - Present
239110.15 - Present

Starbase 118 Forums Medical Duty Post Forum Moderates the forum, introduces new discussions, primary author of Dear Doc, a weekly column Forum Moderator
08/08/14 - Present
239108.18 - Present
Victorylogo.png USS Victory Helping with crew navs, rosters, histories, face list, etc. up to date. Also redid awards page. Assistant Wiki Maintainer
10/14 - 03/15
239110 - 239203
Trainingteamlogo.jpg Training Team Assisting in training new applicants Team Member
10/14 - Present
239110.30 - Present
Podcast.jpg Podcast Team Segment/script writers, guest host, reporter Volunteer
11/14 - Present
239111.03 - Present