Starbase 118 Inactive Ships Division

Revision as of 03:58, 29 December 2014 by IdrilMar (talk | contribs)

The Starbase 118 Inactive Ships Division, a taskforce within the Fleet's Ship Systems Command, is tasked with reviewing the inactive ships within the fleet for current and/or future use. This includes possible use for future fleet active ships as well as permanent inactivation.

The ISD classfies ships within its jurisdiction into 5 catagories:

Category B (CatB): These ships are inactive, but contue to receive upgrades and maintainance to retain availability for reactivation on short notice.

Category C (CatC): These ships are maintained as-is, meaning that, while they are not allowed to degrade, they do not receive updates or upgrades unless funding is left over after CatB ships are finished.

Category D (CatD): These ships are maintained as-is, pending alternative use by the fleet. The most common use for CatD ships is as remotely controlled targets, though some have been used for other classifed purposes as well.

Category X (CatX): These ships are being held pending disposal. These ships will entually be removed for scrap and do not receive any maintainence (exception: those on museum hold receive basic maintainance for basic life-support systems only),

Category Z (CatZ): These ships still contain classified or hazardous materials and as such are held under extra guard and receive some basic maintainence to safeguard the materials in question.

List of Inactive Starbase 118 Vessels by name:

Ship Name Class First Comissioning Decomission Reason
USS Independence New Orleans 23-something. Destroyed, First Battle of Eratis