Jerry Reid/Medical Record

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  • Height: 178 cm (5'10")
  • Weight: 73 kilos (160 lbs)
  • Blood Type:
  • T/E Rating:


  • Acute Illnesses: "Varicella, & Rubella, Age: 7. The Earth childhood diseases almost killed him. "Cured by process of being genetically engineered". Combat injuries obtained from the "Klingon Battle of Wolf, 2369". Combat injuries from an incursion at a Klingon Household, 2381.
  • Medications: Mild pain reliever Rexalin, and Verratropine.
  • Allergies and Reactions: None
  • Sexual/Reproductive History: Active until engagement. Now, voluntary inactive. 1 son by natural childbirth.


  • SD 236904.13: Abdominal wound, multiple slashing on body, and paralysis from waist down.
  • SD 238107.05: Slashing to right arm,and stabbing through left thigh-while on mission from USS CHallenger-A. Overnight observation, as outpatient.


  • SD 236904.13: Results of multiple stab wounds from the incident with the assassination of his father's death. He also had to have surgery from an Orion dagger through his back, nicking his spinal column and sticking out of his abdomen. Paralysis from waist down.
  • SD 238107.05: Minor surgery of shutting wounds to right arm, and left thigh. Kept overnight for observation


  • SD 236904.10: Reid was with his family when a ruthless Orion Pirates assassinated his Father. He was 18, serving as a combat medic, with the rank of an NCO, staff sergeant. He had been invited to dinner with the family, When the assassins struck. He managed to kill two out of the three, and was facing the assassin leader, and getting ready to fight him. One of the two assassins REID struck down threw a dagger striking him in the back, which nicked his spinal cord, and he fell to the ground instantly paralyzed. He watched his mother, being blindfolded, gagged, and bound,before the assassin came over to him. Reid swore to the leader that he would find him, some day, and kill him. It saved Reid's life, as the assassin took it as a Challenge, the assassin told Reid "he'd be waiting for him." The assassin walked away laughing, picked up his mother, injecting her with some type of medicine that instantly put her to sleep. He picked her up, and said to Reid, "Here is some incentive, boy, but you are not up to my level of training, but since you challenged me, I will accept it." Then assassin leader took off his ninja styled black head masking, grabbing Reid's hair, and lifting his head. He told Reid to get a good look at his face, so Reid would remember him. He slammed the head of Reid, onto the ground. Just as Reid was slipping into unconsciousness, he watched the assassin leave with his mother. The leader left his black head masking cloth in Reid's hand. Reid never saw her again to this day. It still haunts him in his nightmares to this day. Reid still wears the black qqqcloth around his waist when he is in training. When Reid was found the next morning by guards, he was taken to the hospital, and treated for his many wounds, and went into surgery, When he woke up his memory was loss for a long time. The Doctors eventually diagnosed him with Lacunar amnesia (type of amnesia that occurs when a patient witnesses an act of violence so terrible that the patient rejects the reality of the situation). He learned later after he regained his memory. He found out his brother, Adrian, and his sister, Jade were found unscathed in a secret hiding place. The nanny lingered in dying, but not before she revealed the location of the cave where the two babies were found also unscathed. Later he learned from a freighter pilot, that he heard of a general's wife was taken to Regellian, and she became a slave to a household of a prestigious Regellin family For a while, he was heavy into alcohol drinking at parties. When he later learned about the survival of his siblings,then his mother, Reid quit drinking while serving on the USS Constitution-B. He immediately dried himself out, and took to combat training to go find the leader of the assassins, and make him pay with his life,some day.
  • SD 238107.05: While attending wedding with the Captain and other command officer, the Klingon House was attacked by two sisters, and their rogue attack team. Reid took out one Klingon, and then was attacked by the younger sister who said she could learn to love him, and who kissed him, and bit slightly into both sides of Reid's neck each time she wounded him. She also raked his back with deep long scratches. She then patched his wounds, and as she was leaving, she said to Reid they would see each other again again. They did once during a leave of liberty for a week, and entered into a week long relationship. When Reid returned to the Challenger, Reid's body was racked with multiple scratches and bruising on most of his body. When the Doctor treating his wounds asked REID if he tangled with a wild animal during his liberty, Reid just smiled at him, and said, "Yeah, ain't it great".


  • Alcohol: Yes- he was heavy into drinking for a period of time. Now, he is reformed.
  • Recreation Drugs: N/A
  • Other: N/A


  • Mother: Regellian fever in her youth.
  • Father: None
  • Siblings: Just the common childhood diseases distinctive to Earth children.


  • Marital status: Engaged
  • Children: three - two adopted, and one by natural childbirth. The oldest son has been accepted to the Starfleet Academy.
  • Occupation/Assignment: Flight Surgeon. Currently assigned to the USS Gemini.
  • Diet: cultural food from three different cultures. His favorites are Reuben sandwiches, Vanilla Chai tea, Pizza, Chili dogs, and Cheeseburgers.
  • Exercise: daily training consists of weight lifting, climbing, martial arts, jogging marathon runs, and sparring with his Marine friends.


  • Medical Officer: Dr. Overlind, from Mercy Health Center, Seattle, Washington.
  • Medical Assessment: Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. Chronic Regellian fever, Migrane headaches brought on by stressful events,and multiple scars on his body from multiple combat wounds during missions.


  • Counselor: Avoids going to counselors, except for physicals requiring Counselor's assessment for duty.
  • Psychological Assessment: Currently fit for duty abroad the USS Gemini.