Embassy of Duronis II Auxiliary Craft
Federation personnel assigned to the Embassy on Duronis II have a number of transport options available to them. Short trips within the area of Lokesh tend to be done the Laundean way in ground transports. Vehicles resembling Hovercrafts have also been used on occasion to cross small bodies of water.
However a number of Starfleet owned vessels are also available:
Craft in Embassy Hangar
- 3 Runabouts
- 2 Hoppers
- 2 Workbees
- 1 Privately-owned Bajoran Marauder
Embassy Craft at the Lokesh Spaceport
- Tactical Wing
Starships assigned to Embassy
- USS Resolution
Embassy Hanger
There are Three Federation Runabouts stationed on Duronis II:
- USS Martin Luther King Jr. (NCC-71383)
- USS Magnus Hirschfield (NCC-72568),
- USS Emmeline Pankhurst (NCC-72681).
Location & Usage
The USS Martin Luther King Jr. is stored in the bunker located under the main embassy building, able to launch from the bay door located to the south of the embassy. It is used primarily as a transport option for the Ambassador and senior staff when engagements require travel. It can also, however, be used as an emergency escape vehicle for the embassy staff, and can evacuate up to 40 people in one launch. Any remaining crew can utilize the hopper, transporters to access the nearby launch facility, or an orbiting vessel.
The other runabouts and one hopper are stored at a secure launching facility within Lokeshâs small makeshift spaceport. Located Approximately 30km from the main embassy building, but accessible by ground transportation or transporter. The facility is rin by flight deck supervisor Chief Val Yukkon.
Runabout Stats
Dimensions Length: 23.1m Beam: 13.7 m Height: 5.4 m Decks : 13 Crew 13, 40 evacuation limit Armament 64 x Type IV phaser arrays5, total output 750 TeraWatts 2 x Micro photon torpedo tube5 + 24 torpedoes Defence Systems Standard shield system, total capacity 56,700 TeraJoules Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull Low level Structural Integrity Field Warp Speeds Normal Cruise: 4 Maximum Cruise: 5 Maximum Rated: 5.2 for 12 hours
Further Info
There are two Hoppers assigned to Duronis II:
- USS Gandhi
- USS Schindler
Hoppers were designed for a variety of different assignments ranging from zero-g troop deployment to mobile ground ops and heavy ordinance deployment. They were created through necessity in late 2347 as a direct response to the Setlik III massacre and the following outbreak of hostilities with the Cardassian Union.
Location & Usage
One of Starfleetâs two Hoppers on Duronis II is always stored next to the Runabout Martin Luther King Jr in the Embassyâs subterranean hanger bay. The second hopper is stored with the other runabouts at a secured launching facility approximately 30km from the main embassy building.
Both Hoppers are configured as colonial transport vehicles, rated to move people short-range interstellar. The hopperâs were assigned to Duronis II given the planetâs unstable post-revolutionary political state. Their purpose is primarily as an emergency escape vehicle for the embassy staff, and can evacuate up to 48 people in one launch. Any remaining crew can utilize the runabout, transporters to access the nearby launch facility, or an orbiting vessel.
Hopper Stats
Length: 15.5m Beam: 10.5m Height: 5.65m Deck count: 2 Crew count: 2 - 6 Passenger capacity: 4 Full transport (basic configuration)
Length: 22.5m Beam: 10.5m Height: 5.65m Deck count: 2 Crew count: 2 â 6
Tactical Wing
Newest edition to the Federation Embassy on Duronis II is the Tactical Wing. Under the Command of Lt. Keely, with Ensign Hawk serving as second, the Tac Wing and its pilots serve as aerial and orbital defense for the Embassy as well as performing other specific missions such as escort, reconissance, etc.
Tactical Wing Crew Breakdown:
- CO: Lieutenant Keely Lah'rel
- XO: Ensign Charles Hawk
- 4 Full-Time Pilots
- 8 Ground Crew Technicians
- 1 Part-Time Pilot (LCMD Yladro)
Tactical Wing Craft Breakdown:
- 4 Peregrine Class Heavy Fighters
- 2 Valkyrie Class Light Escort Fighters
- 1 customized Bajoran Marauder (LCMD Yladro's)
- There are a large number of single-firing microtorpedo launchers able to be mounted on external hardpoints of fighters and runabouts. Also a large quantity of microtorpedos also are available.
- In the Tac Wing inventory are three (3) ion emitting cannons able to be mounted on any of the Wing's fighters via external hardpoints - these cannons emit a broad-spectrum EMP burst that will disable any electronic and power-based device(s) within a 10m section of any unshielded ship, ground based installation, or as demonstrated in a recent mission, small sections of a Borg Cube. These cannons are extremely power-intensive and firing one drains the power out of phasers, as it dominates the shared EPS tap, and repeated usage drains power out of life-support, maneuvering thrusters and diminishes the output from the impulse drive. Stored inside a heavily-armored room with active transport inhibitors in-place, these top-secret weapons are only issued to the TAC Wing on a temporary basis by the Ambassador only.
Peregrine Class
- Category: Heavy Fighter
- Expected Duration: 10 years
- Time Between Resupply: 2 years
- Time Between Refit: 5 years
- Crew: Two - Pilot and Operations Manager (May be piloted single seat)
- Cruising Velocity: Warp 4
- Maximum Velocity: Warp 4.5
- Emergency Velocity: Warp 6.1 (for 6 hours)
- Length: 18 metres
- Width: 17.5 metres
- Height: 5.82 metres
- Two Micro-Torpedo Launchers
- Ten Micro-Quantum Torpedoes
- Type IV Phaser Array
- Type U+ Micro-Pulse: 2
Shielding Systems
- Ablative Armor
- Light Shielding System
Notes: The Peregrine Fighter was Starfleet's first attempt at a heavy fighter design. It was developed in 2367 and designed to help in fleet actions by causing the enemy vessels to split their fire amongst multiple targets, whilst delivering a powerful punch itself. Capable of a top cruise speed of warp 4.5 it has a similar speed to that of a Valkyrie, allowing it to operate short distances away from its homebase or carrier vessel. However, it is common practice for these vessels to be used at impulse.
During the Dominion war, the Peregrine was pressed into service and the class saw heavy losses. One of the most prominent battles the Peregrine Class saw action in was the battle to reclaim Deep Space 9 from the Dominion-Cardassian Alliance.
Although these ships come in several different models, Obsidian Fleet uses the two-man heavy fighter variant. This design has two type U+ pulse phaser cannons as well as the type IV phaser. Optionally six full-sized photon/quantum torpedoes may be used in addition to this - although this has an adverse effect on the ships maneuverability.
Valkyrie Class
- Type: Light Fighter / Escort
- Length: 20 meters
- Beam: 14 meters
- Draught: 5 meters
- Mass: 120 mt
- Crew: Two - Pilot and Operations Manager (May be piloted single seat)
- Normal Cruising Speed: warp 3
- Maximum Cruising Speed: warp 4.1
- tho type-VI phaser emitters
- One micro-torpedo launch system
- Two standard photon or quantum torpedos mounted under the fuselage.
Shielding Systems
- Ablative Armor
- Standard Shielding
Notes: The newest addition to the Starfleet fighter production program, the Valkyrie Class has replaced the aging fleet of Peregrine Class fighters previously used throughout the fleet. Smaller and more agile, Valkyrie Class ships will be used for a variety of missions, from planetary assault to spacecraft interdiction. Unlike the Peregrine Class, the Valkyrie Class is intended to be used in small groups, where a local shield can be projected and shared by the fighters duing an attack run. Each small ship contributes a portion of its resources to the group shield, thereby savings power to divert to weapons and repair systems.
Bajoran Marauder (Customized Fighter/Raider)
- Class: Upgraded and Customized Fighter/Raider
- Expected Duration: Exceeded expected lifetime
- Time between resupply: Between sorties or as-needed
- Time between refit: As-needed
- Maximum speed: unknown (able to achieve at least warp 2)
- IDF: Custom Enhanced
- SIF: Custom Enhanced
- RCS: Custom Enhanced (Yladro-proofed from excessive usage)
- Standard Shielding
- Crew: Two - Pilot and optional passenger/cargo
- 2 microtorpedo launchers (forward) with four microtorpedos each
- Bajoran-sourced forward firing phasers (forward)
- External hardpoints for additional microtorpedo launchers
Notes: This is an old fighter/raider from the latter end of Cardassian occupation of Bajor, used by the underground and later sold to various merchants. It was procured by LCMD Yladro on Deep Space 9 in 2381 from Quark and an unknown Andorian trader for an undisclosed amount of gold-pressed latinum, currency which Yladro found aboard a reactivated Maquis ship used for a classified mission. Having gone through extensive modifications over the past two years by Lt Keely Lah'rel, including the addition of a micro-warp drive taken from a scrapped Peregrine as well as additional structural reinforcements, the operational capabilities of this spacecraft far exceeds its intended usage, thus meriting the appropriate recategorization of "marauder". With its ability to fold-up its atmospheric wings after landing and therefore compressing/compacting its footprint, the Marauder is currently stored in the Workbee area inside the Embassy's hangar bay, but is also stored at the Tac Wing's bay in the Spaceport as deemed neceessary.
Unlike the Runabouts and Hoppers, this small Nova-Class Science vessel is not based on Duronis II. Instead it is on spatial assignment and rarely more than one dayâs travel from the Duronis system. Under Captain Rocarâs command, the CO rarely leads a mission on his ship which, remains at his beck and call but is usually on a Federation Science Council mission to extensively survey and catalog pre-warp civilizations and spacial phenomena.
See: USS Resolution