Young Kel

Young Kel is the mental representation of Kel's previous personality which can visit him only in his dreams. Young Kel's Visits are often fraught with violence against the new personality.


  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Length/Style: Shoulder length, oily/matted
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 120 'pounds' (approximate value)
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Scars: None
  • Tattoos: None
  • Build: Young Kel is thin and looks frail.
  • Presence: Despite his frail (almost sickly) appearance Young Kel is shockingly strong in the Dreamscape realm which he inhabits within Kel's mind. His attention to the gruesome violence which he inflicts on his older self in the dreamscape gives him an air of a sadistic maniac.
  • Facial Features: Sunken eyes, and fine facial features. Effectively the same as Kel but emaciated.
  • Shoes: Generally goes barefoot.
  • Handedness: Right


Young Kel is a remnant of the previous personality which inhabited Kel Mage's body until it was wiped in an attempt to achieve transcendence (see: Kel's Personal History). Weather or not transcendence was achieved is unclear however the remaining personality was suppressed by the massive neurological trauma to the cortex of Kel's brain and became submerged into the unconscious mind. Frustrated with his failure to transcend his physical bonds and even more trapped now than ever before Young Kel's anger has become focused on the new personality which has developed since the incident (see:Kel Mage). As a result of this frustration Young Kel now lives vicariously through memories stolen during Kel's dreaming and brutalizes the new personality over the course of the dream-cycle for amusement.

Relationship with Kel

Kel is aware of Young Kel only when he is dreaming, and even then often misunderstands the relationship between himself and Young Kel. Kel doesn't suffer any sleep disruption from Young Kel's presence beyond a tendency to thrash around in bed more than the average person. Young Kel views Kel as a 'cosmic joke' or 'program' which is simply running until he can find a way out of Kel's subconscious mind, he does not see Kel as a distinct individual in any way and has pointed out similarities in his and Kel's behavior as evidence of this. Young Kel takes sadistic pleasure from brutalizing Kel's personal representation when he is in the Dreamscape and plants impulses in Kel's mind which can influence Kel's decision making process. (This relationship is demonstrated in this post)