Wilde Industries

Wilde Industries

Wilde Industries has been serving The United Federation of Planets for nearly two hundred and fifty years and it's mission is to meet and exceed every day needs in a modern world. 14 out of every 50 products you can find in the Federation technological infrastructure today is a Wilde Industry brand. Our main business headquarters are located on Earth, in Sol System, and we have shipping offices on various worlds of the Federation. Our main manufacturing center is on Mars. We specialize in every day things from:

Chief Executive Officer of Wilde Industries, Sidney Wilde.
  • Computer isolinear chips
  • Communications software
  • Personal Access Display Devices (PADD's) for Starfleet or personal use
  • Household Replicators
  • Private and commercial Holodeck technology

To larger pioneering projects like:

  • Impulse engine design
  • Warp Drive components
  • Private and Federation-approved terra-forming equipment
  • Private and commercial galactic shipping.

In 2397 the company declared an annual turnover of 21.8 BN in Gold-Pressed Latinum. Annual share dividend was delcared at 41.88 GPL per share.


In 2147, Founder of Wilde Industries - Richard Lewis Wilde - diversified his production company to include contracts for Starfleet and the Vulcan Embassy - who were developing the first human ships to explore the galaxy. At the advent of the Federation, Wilde saw that his factories were producing much of the internal components for starships of the day.

In 2280 the company began its own shipping lines, and today continue to serve Federation and independent worlds all over the quadrant.

Wilde Industries continues to serve Starfleet and the worlds of the Federation and is one of the top manufacturers of computer chips and replicator technology both privately and on the galactic stage.

Our Vision & Sustainability

We always strive to better the worlds in which we live. Our commitment to cleaner warp emissions is one of newest and exciting projects, with investment in Quantum Slipstream technology pioneering this effort. We are reducing our replicator waste year by year and are investing in cleaner technology to enhance recycling of replicated products.

We are committed to cleaner Terra-forming projects too, making new worlds cleaner, bio-diverse and sustainable for everyone involved.

We are investing in stronger, more resourceful transporter pattern buffers so we can ship your products to you in safer, non-degradable buffers, giving you assurance and piece of mind that you will receive your goods in top condition. We are committed to reducing galactic waste at every opportunity!


Ever since its founding, the CEO position has always been filled by a member of the Wilde family. Today, Sidney Wilde is the Chief Executive Officer of Wilde Industries, and has held the position since 2361, upon the passing of his father, Charles. In 2398 he passed the duties of President down to his eldest daughter, Amber. She implements his decisions, and is expected to take over from him if/when he retires. It's already speculated that this change in leadership marks Sidney's long-awaited move to retirement.

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