USS Voyager - The Truth Revealed

USS Voyager - The Truth Revealed is the title of Loran Reven's so far the best and only fully completed holoplay. As stated by author in his introductory statement, the aim of play is to unravel mysteries aroused around senior crew members of USS Voyager, stranded in the Delta Quadrant for seven years. The play includes a series of monologues by each senior member of the crew, from Ops Ensign Harry Kim to the CO Captain Kathryn Janeway, in which they reveal what is supposed to be truth about the journey of USS Voyager.

The premiere and by this day only performance of 'USS Voyager - The Truth Revealed' took place on December 20th, 2383 at Starfleet Academy on Jupiter as part of Academy theatrical contest. All roles, including female, were played by the author singlehandedly. The play stirred a commotion among academic circles. Most officers were enraged with certain suggestions about depicted persons. The cadet circle was divided in its opinions and the freshmen and sophomores gave the play most credit. A controversial decision of jury of the contest chaired by a Vulcan senior year Cadet 1st Class Sandok awarded 'USS Voyager - The Truth Revealed' with third place in recognition of author's courageous, innovative approach on the subject and overall comedy qualities of the play.


  • Introductory Statement
  • Monologue One: Ensign Harry Kim
  • Monologue Two: Lieutenant Junior Grade Tom Paris
  • Monologue Three: Lieutenant Commander Tuvok
  • Monologue Four: Seven of Nine
  • Commercial Break (mock and parody products of the galaxy, including Ferengi Commercial 'Action Fleet Supreme Commander 'Wipe

'em down' 'Your Money or Your Life' Acquisition Trooper Eternal')

  • Monologue Five: Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres
  • Monologue Six: The Doctor
  • Monologue Seven: Commander Chakotay
  • Monologue Eight: Captain Kathryn Janeway
  • Conclusion: The Epimythium (moral)


Lieutenant Commander Tuvok in Monologue three: ::holding phaser rifle:: Logic dictates the fastest deliverance from hardships of our predicament is by immediate terminating lifespan of every single man and woman on this crew. Thus I carry a rifle. However, Captain Janeway overruled my recommendation. She is soft. It would not be first time in history of human kind to collapse under burden of such measure.

Ensign Harry Kim in Monologue one: I never wanted to play clarinet! My mom forced me! She gave my food to the cat when I refused practicing!

Captain Kathryn Janeway in Monologue eight: ::smelling her cup:: Hashish. There's nice ring to it, isn't it. ::straightening up:: Of course this is only a coffee.