
The Book of Time


UET: United Empire's of Threa'ya
Threan Scripture segment, Creation

1:1 Our world is one of the oldest. 1:2 It was a strong world. 1:3 Tospa Mulli, our mother and creator! 1:4 The divine chieftess found our world when it was young and still it was one of the oldest.

2:1 Tospa Mulli, who had brought life to the universe had found our world, she saw that it was strong, and knew that it was ready. 2:2 The divine chieftess summoned her brother to her side, Gemonda Doma heeded her call and appeared. 2:3 The divine chieftain obeyed the wishes of Tospa Mulli and formed the mountains, settled the quake's, and filled the seas and skies with water. 2:4 Then the two of them lay with the land and Tospa Mulli was given the miracle of life to share with our world!

3:1 Tospa Mulli first made the mighty tree's and they made the air. 3:2 Then she made the colorful grass's of our world and coated them with splendor and they perfumed the air. 3:3 Tospa Mulli created the many creatures of our world while living amongst her gardens. 3:4 When the world was balanced and beautiful the divine chieftess knew it was time to find a new world, and bring life to it as well. 3:5 Before she left her creations behind to live life freely she used the last of the miracle of life and combined it with her own being, she molded and formed her last creation with more love and focus than any other. 3:6 This is how the Threan people were made, the divine chieftess populated the lands of our world with the ancestor tribes and gave to them the early lessons of love and war.


Threan Scripture segment, How the Divine's come into being

10:1 Disaster's and miracles can happen naturally. 10:2 This is the gift to the universe from existence. 10:3 The divine chieftess was born of one of these miracles, the largest miracle the universe has ever seen. 10:4 And from the remaining energies of that miracle Gemonda Doma, the divine chieftain, formed.

11:1 Gemonda Doma's form was incomplete and he became male as a consequence. 11:2 Gemonda Doma and all other males are conflicted by nature. 11:3 Being born of the same miracle as Tospa Mulli entwined the two as siblings forever. 11:4 This is why males must seek the harmony of females. 11:5 Gemonda has little control over his powers and often causes disasters and miracles to occur as he moves through the universe. 11:6 Together the divines chief's can produce great disasters and miracles, such as those of life and death!

12:1 The divine chieftain is drawn to conflict and competition, he often waged war with the lesser divine beings of the universe. 12:2 A time came when, out of rage and jealousy of Tospa Mulli's perfection, Gemonda Doma tricked his sister forcing himself upon her and having his way with her. 12:3 To his dismay Tospa Mulli was gifted the miracle of life from their union and gave birth to the goddess Sigitu Rota. 12:4 Sigitu Rota being born of love and chaos became the goddess of war and peace. 12:5 Now in order for Gemonda Doma to wage war he must seek permission from his daughter, who holds dominion over him and his powers.


Threan Scripture segment, Gifts of Knowledge and Destruction

40:1 Sigutu Rota is the daughter of the divine chiefs, the divine war-chief, and master of the forces of war and peace! 40:2 Sigutu Rota follows her mother's path. 40:3 She brings gifts to the creations who have obeyed the early lessons of love and war taught to them by Tospa Mulli. 40:4 Sigutu Rota's gifts are those of knowledge, all knowledge.

41:1 Creation's that have fallen into sin and have not obeyed the lessons of the divine chieftess meet the wrath of Sigutu Rota. 41:2 She will rain down on them the fire and sword-like hail, she will unleash upon them the divine chieftain, Gemonda Doma, and together they will lay waste to the world!

The Book of Power


UET: United Empire's of Threa'ya
Threan Scripture segment, WIP


The Book of Tricks (or Sins)


UET: United Empire's of Threa'ya
Threan Scripture segment, WIP