Tarrik Tarkin/Disciplinary Record

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Tarrik Tarkin

NOTICE: This personnel record and any attached reports are confidential and intended solely for the use of authorized officers of sufficient clearance. Violations of confidentiality are subject to punishment under the Federation Uniform Code of Justice.
  • Filed Charge: Improper use of Starfleet equipment
  • Incident: Three Starfleet Cadets used the Academy 118 transporter to reflavor chewing gum
  • Disciplining Officer: Commander Reginald Weiss, Starfleet Academy 118
  • Disciplinary Action Taken: Written Warning
  • Disciplining Officer Remarks:
    Cadet Tarkin was the only one of his companions not to crack under interrogation and admit that the prank was part of a larger list they had planned to do throughout the academy as part of a game. Everyone was released with a warning not to continue the game and given a lecture on the importance of safety protocols. We thought we had put a stop to this little gag last year but Tarkin found a way to bypass the security protocols put on the transporter. The security team is working on patching the hole he found now, hopefully this year is finally the last of it.
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Tarrik Tarkin

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