If we were to group log entries for the fleet here... then the page would be a page of links to the various log entries themselves right?
small edits needed H92o 08:18, 19 July 2008 (EDT) note to self, create actual gate mode's A-D values in turn.
embellish and expand as necessary ..,
Add supplement 1.5.5
add Event Log Entries as well., as sub-wiki-page?
prepare log entry 3 from the written word/work
simplify elements of entries with greater order and structures.,
- Propose that this be moved to "Ice-9 Log Entries" or something similar. - Lt. Salak
Talk 14:17, 25 August 2008 (EDT)
that would work for me
but would also like to see others log entries and links to that from this page or some sort of similar grouping. H92o 07:55, 4 September 2008 (EDT)
Revisited .... lists for new entries and...//edit suppl. 2.2=entry 3 and entry 3=entry 4.. filling in spaces ....
tech object 1.0 - psionic helmet to allow psionic energy to be transmitted and or disbursed into a receiving helmet without outside detection or and confuse and or incapacitate an enemy combatant directed toward.
a. Telepathic exchange
b. Possible psychic confusion by one not ready for exchange
c. Tactical advantage.
tech object 1.1 - short lasting fast acting “hypo spray” to be used with the same results as the psionic helmet.
a. Shortened Telepathic exchange time
b. Possible psychic confusion by one not ready for exchange in burst form.
c. Tactical advantage, on several levels
tech object 2.0 - declassified and unsensitized borg “implants” for temporary body enhancements and increased working abilities.
a. Stamina Endurance
b. Possible transporter core assembly for site to site beams
c. greater weapon power and user abilities
d. tel-comm subspace data transfer reference frames
tech object 2.1 temporal scenario matrix multiplier Unidine and Borg tech integrations.
a. For reworking plot lines in the beginning and ending parts/paths to allow a tactical advantage.
tech object 3.0 - sub-durmil solo-monitor readouts with psionic control interfaces.
a. One to two levels of detail.
tech object 3.0 -Trishield phase decryptions = experimental cloaks for use by operatives in the field
a. Only during gravity field stability.
tech object 3.0 - sync time leveling of things? pro-experimental attack and strike alignments ,,.
a. Object interface for seeing multiple fronts simultaneously
b. Useful for counter strike engagements