Eluana Gylar: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{LCARS-bar-left|Eluana Gylar|230|COLOR=black}} Eluana Gylar was an art dealer aboard Tutatuband Station. She was Tarrik Tarkin's mother. She was cunning and a powerful telepath/empath. <div class="mw-customtoggle-ActFour" style="cursor:pointer" >{{LCARS-bar-heading|Chronological History|COLOR=black}}</div> <div class="mw-collapsible mw-expanded" id="mw-customcollapsible-ActFour"> * '''2110''' Eluana Gylar is born to an impoverished family on Rodul * '''2126''' El...")
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* '''2373''' - Thorus convinces Eluana to return to Rodul with the intention to raise a child there
* '''2373''' - Thorus convinces Eluana to return to Rodul with the intention to raise a child there
* '''2374''' - The Bill of Opportunity is ratified and Eluana reveals her true identity. She tries to consolidate her assets under her real identity but much of her belongings are seized by a rival merchant since they are technically owned by someone who does not legally exist. Just when it seemed all was lost she managed to keep the majority of her earnings by employing a complicated plot using falsified documents and a legal loophole created by the newly ratified bill
* '''2374''' - The Bill of Opportunity is ratified and Eluana reveals her true identity. She tries to consolidate her assets under her real identity but much of her belongings are seized by a rival merchant since they are technically owned by someone who does not legally exist. Just when it seemed all was lost she managed to keep the majority of her earnings by employing a complicated plot using falsified documents and a legal loophole created by the newly ratified bill
* '''2375''' - Tarrik Nol'Gylar is born to Eluana Gylar and Thorus Noldo on Tutatuband Station. His parents leave sooner than they planned to Rodul on a private shuttle in light of this surprise shortly after his birth. They face mechanical difficulties with the life support system and are forced to sacrifice themselves for Tarrik, unable to make the journey to Rodul with only enough life support to send the infant back alone. He's placed in the care of the Tarkin family, isolated from other Rodulan to be raised entirely around Ferengi in their customs and culture instead of his own. His parents bodies are never recovered, lost to the abyss
* '''2375''' - Tarrik Nol'Gylar is born to Eluana Gylar and Thorus Noldo on Tutatuband Station. They leave sooner than they planned to Rodul on a private shuttle in light of this surprise shortly after his birth. They face mechanical difficulties with the life support system and are forced to sacrifice themselves for Tarrik, unable to make the journey to Rodul with only enough life support to send the infant back alone. He's placed in the care of the Tarkin family and Eluana and Thorus' bodies are never recovered, lost to the abyss
