Drawoh-Hilzarie, Rocar/Rocar at Starfleet Academy: Difference between revisions

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''The following chharacters have all been mentioned in sims as having been Rocar's friends at the Academy''
* '''[[Aïowyn Shartara]]''' (Rutian Female) Operations Major
* '''Zurinda Batoria''' (Bolian, Male) Engineering Major
* '''Jan T'Yai''' (Terran/Vulcan Female) Medical Major
* '''Henry McConnel''' (Terran Male) Operations Major
* '''M'retha''' (Caitian Female) Medical Major
* '''Julia Bryson''' (Terran Female) Science Major
* '''Michael Johaneson Junior''' (Terran Male)
* '''Charles Peter Montgomery'''(Terran Male) Security Major
===Social Life===
==Rocar at the Academy==

Whilst Studying to become a Starfleet officer he completed PhD studies at Starfleet medical in the field of interspecies breeding. (Sometimes it's good being an insomniac -gives you more time to study!). Preferring emergency field medicine to research Rocar undertook his PhD topic based on the theory that opposites attract and so he should do everything to help them. In addition to his research; Rocar lectured in Xenobiology to undergraduate students at Starfleet medical. Here he met Celestra -a young Klingon Rizan hybrid who was about to drop her studies due to her lack of anger control. Spotting her potential as the best student; Rocar managed to convince her to stay. Many years latter the young woman had graduated as a Starfleet officer and as a doctor who came to serve on the ship where Rocar was now First Officer.  
Whilst Studying to become a Starfleet officer he completed PhD studies at Starfleet medical in the field of interspecies breeding. (Sometimes it's good being an insomniac -gives you more time to study!). Preferring emergency field medicine to research Rocar undertook his PhD topic based on the theory that opposites attract and so he should do everything to help them. In addition to his research; Rocar lectured in Xenobiology to undergraduate students at Starfleet medical. Here he met Celestra -a young Klingon Rizan hybrid who was about to drop her studies due to her lack of anger control. Spotting her potential as the best student; Rocar managed to convince her to stay. Many years latter the young woman had graduated as a Starfleet officer and as a doctor who came to serve on the ship where Rocar was now First Officer.  
