Shemsh/Shemsh Colony

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Shemsh Colony
Region Par'tha Expanse
Sector {{{sector}}}
System [[]]
Sun(s) {{{suns}}}
Moon(s) {{{moons}}}
Class '
Diameter {{{diameter}}}
Atmosphere {{{atmosphere}}}
Hydrosphere {{{hydrosphere}}}
Climate {{{climate}}}
Gravity {{{gravity}}}
Primary terrain {{{terrain}}}
Points of interest
Length of Day {{{lengthday}}}
Length of Year {{{lengthyear}}}
Native species {{{species}}}
Other species {{{otherspecies}}}
Official Language {{{language}}}
Technological Classification Tech Class
Major cities
Imports {{{imports}}}
Affiliation {{{affiliation}}}
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Shemsh Colony is a neutral outpost in the Shemsh system, centrally located near the Oscion Shipping Lane. With the Federation presence growing in the Par'tha Expanse, the Federation needed a larger, more sophisticated base of operations. The colony contains state-of-the-art repair and supply facilities for Starfleet vessels exploring and working in the Par'tha Expanse. It also serves as a trade hub where civilians can seek a better life and can provide goods unique to both the Federation and the Par'tha Expanse.

Further, it is a center for diplomacy to support the growing alliance between the Federation and other factions operating in this area of space. Facilitated and mediated by Starfleet, local races and factions are invited to build Embassies in hopes of the colony serving as a location for diplomacy and negotiation, which will reduce the instance of or avoid larger conflicts entirely.


  • Station Commander: Lieutenant Commander Shrehr Th'qosral -Andorian Male, disillusioned after rough trip through the Jenatris Cloud, experienced in colony administration, something of a hero from the Dominion War due to acquiring emergency supplies for Betazoid refugees that saved thousands of lives, but has no experience on starships.
  • Station Executive Commander:
  • Diplomatic Attache:
  • Lead Engineering Consultant: Tomas Rai
  • Starfleet Ranger Team Leader: Palen Osiris
  • Chief of Security/Logistics: Lieutenant Commander Zurall

Base Layout/Structure

Central Gardens

A large community-maintained garden at the centre of the colony. (Open to someone naming this with something more interesting if desired!)

Sfelone Administrative Centre

  • Colony Director/Commander’s Office
  • Executive Colony Director’s Office

Strategic Operations/Intelligence Division

Command Center

Used also for briefings and general senior staff meetings

Security Department

Diplomatic Attache’s Office

  • Diplomatic Department

Orbital Spaceport & Shipyard

Currently under construction, a Jupiter Station style maintenance facility. Meant to service Federation and neutral vessels and the construction of smaller vessels.

  • Habitat Ring/Housing
Colony-assigned vessels:
  • USS Chin’toka (NCC-97187, Akira Class Heavy Cruiser)
  • USS Diligent (NX-87651, Diligent Class Light Cruiser)
  • USS Yanktonai (NCC-67205, Dakota Class Heavy Cruiser)

Miscellaneous cargo vessels, Runabouts and Shuttlecraft include:

Embassy Compounds

Romulan Republic

Habitat Ring/Housing

Major Caaradian Houses

There are seven major Caaradian Houses:

Habitat Rings/Housing

Each Caaradian House gets their own habit ring/housing.


Each Caaradian House gets their own shuttleport

Minor Caaradian Houses

Habitat Rings/Housing


Habitat Rings/Housing

Operations Building

Engineering Department

Tactical / Security Department

Marines Department

Habitat Ring/Housing

Science/Medical Building

Science Department

Medical Department

Counseling Department

Habitat Ring/Housing

Diligent Commerce Centre

Commercial Districts


Brew Continuum
Chin’toka Lounge and Restaurant
Le Chateau Shemsh

Romulan Republic

  • S’ten Vastam (Gallant Wing) Tavern
    • Serves Romulan drinks and food such as Romulan brandy

Persons of Interest