Sector 9881

Note: Sector visited by the USS Paladin during her second mission. This is the original probe report on that sector.




Sector 9881 mapped via probe operations conducted from USS VASCO DE GAMA, 2371.

Sector's inward border lies within safe operational permiter of DENEB - INDRI highway.


146 main sequence G-series solar mass bodies are located in sector. 021 five solar mass or greater solar mass bodies (red giants) are located in sector. 002 white dwarf solar mass bodies are located in sector.

There are no pulsar anomolies in sector. There are no 1-S or greater singularity anomolies in sector. There are no multi-solar systems in sector.

Of the 146 main sequence bodies, 029 have at least one planet within Carmichael Radius (orbit with significant prospects of a biosphere). Of those 029 systems, 029 have been scanned by probe operation noted. 004 have biospheres (see below).

Of the 021 red mass bodies, 002 have at least one planet within Carmichael Radius. Of those 002 systems, 002 have been scanned by probe operation noted. 000 have biospheres.

Of the 002 white dwarf bodies, 000 have planetary systems.


System FGC-9981-022 (main sequence star) hosts a 1.22 terran-mass planet in eliptical orbit with 398 standard days in orbital period. Gravity +1.22 standard. Orbit is eccentric. Probe detected modest chlorophyll compounds and modest hydrogen-shifted chemicals (either composing water-vapor or methane). SOLAR AGE: + 2.0509 standard. Putative Classification: H.

System FGC-9981-045 (main sequence star) hosts a .89 terran-mass planet in circular orbit with 351 standard days in orbital period. Gravity -.89 standard. Orbit is non-eccentric. Probe detected moderate amounts of chloropyhll compounds and moderate hydrogen-shifted chemicals indicating bonding with other chemicals indicating free-standing water. Trace anomolous amounts of CO2 in atmosphere unsupported by other data suggests sentient-based carbonic pollutants suggestive of fire-use. No EM signatures emanating from system. SOLAR AGE: -.8949 standard. Putative Classification: M.

System FGC-9981-119 (main sequence star) hosts a .61 terran-mass planet in circular orbit with 191 standard days in orbital period. Gravity -.61 standard. Orbit is non-eccentric. Probe detected trace amounts of chlorophyll compounds and modest hydrogen-shifted chemicals. SOLAR AGE: .9208 standard. Putative Classification: L.

System FGC- 9981-121 (main sequence star) hosts a 1.08 terran-mass planet in eliptical orbit with 404 standard days in orbital period. Gravity +1.08 standard. Orbit is non-eccentric. Probe detected significant amounts of chlorophyll compounds and significant hydrogen shifted chemicals highly suggestive of water. Modest amounts of methane in atmosphere may or may not be product of methane-based fuel consumption or natural gas-pockets. Spectrographic analysis performed, indicating significant amounts of dilithium-2 and dilithium-G3 ore. EM analysis performed, indicating current signal-processing in kHz range, placing sentient population on Harway-Lehman scale (Analogous Terran Development Scale for Gross Temporal Cultural Placement) between AD 1700 and AD 2000. Insufficient range to process Gamma-radiation suggestive of nuclear development. Inconclusive nuclear development study. EM kHz signals were too degraded to process or translate. SOLAR AGE: -.9995 standard. Putative Class: M, POTENTIAL M(G) (Gaia class).


Aside from the resources noted for bioshpere worlds, there were the following results for scans of planets with AT LEAST EARLY TERRAN OR BETTER CONCENTRATIONS of the following minerals on planets within the sector:

022 systems with ETS concentrations of gold, silver or platinum. 029 systems with ETS concentrations of ferro-alloys. 002 systems with ETS concentration of dilithium-2 or dilithium-G3. 007 systems with ETS concentrations of STEA's (Standard Tactical Elements and Alloys).


Compilation of General Colonial Development Office, the Office of Strategic Planning, the Bureau of Colonial Surveys, Central Mapping Office:

This sector is a rare find. That it is located along the DENEB - INDRII highway is lucky for the Federation, or it is certain that at least privateer activity would already be taking place.

As well, it is apparent that at least one, likely two, sentient civillizations are present, one of which is ready for cultural study.

That there are four planets with biospheres in the sector makes the sector a rich one indeed. As well, many of the thickly strewn G-series stars are younger than Sol, which leads to the conclusion that more biospheres will develop.

This sector recieves the highest recomendation for starship intervention. Project OPEN GATES recommended for this system soonest.