SIM:A Rogue Amongst the Stars/Epilogue

A Rogue Amongst the Stars
A Pirate Story featuring Silas Finley

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((The Ruptured Core Tavern, Shadow’s Edge))

Li: So there we are, all hanging around the viewport on the Fangs bridge, looking at this big monster Federation ship sitting there. Douglas kept saying Finley was dead for sure, that he was crazy, and I was starting to believe him when all hell broke loose.

As Li told his story, a small crowd of fellow pirates and mercenaries had gathered around his table to hear the latest daring feat of the fearsome Pirate Captain Silas Finley. Li took a refreshing drink of strong ale as the other patrons spoke up in excitement.

Patron #1: ::gasps:: What happened next? Did he make it?

Another man next to him shook his head.

Patron #2: Damn fool had to have perished!

Patron #3: Is he as handsome as they say?

But Li waved his arm for all of them to quiet down as he continued.

Li: Damn thing screams right past us at full impulse, trailing flames and drive plasma across half the belt. It had to be Finley’s signal. He took the ship, and when we checked the hold, he even took back his woman before he left. Never seen a pirate like him.

Li leaned back in his chair and took a deep pull on his ale. It had been their most successful haul in more than a year, and Finley shrugged it off for an even bigger one which he kept all to himself.

Li absently realized the effect four flagons of ale had on him, and began staggering towards the head. He hadn’t made it three steps before a figure fell on him from the crowd and slammed him against a wall.

Li sized up the person who had menacingly placed a hand on his throat. The Vulcan male was wearing a black jumpsuit, and the man’s thin, well manicured mustache was quivering with barely contained rage. One of the man’s eyes had been replaced with an ocular device, which was surrounded by scars in his skin. Embedded In his shoulder was another small, unusual device, box shaped and firmly attached…

Snorlan, as a Vulcan, had learned as a child how to contain his emotions. In his adult years as a rogue however, it had served him to learn how to let his emotions out - and now was a good time. The mere utterance of the word “Finley” made his hairs stand on end. When he saw the human who’d been boasting of him earlier now walking, almost stumbling on his own, the Vulcan saw the perfect opportunity.

Revenge on Finley was something he had fantasized about, yet tracking him down had become impossible - even through his network of contacts. This drunk human represented the catalyst he had been waiting for.

Snorlan: ::Quietly, quickly:: Filthy human, you speak of Finley as if he is some sort :::rolling his free hand, pondering:: pirate élite. You have admiration for him?

Li grabbed at the vice like grip on his throat with both hands but couldn’t break it. A few of the other patrons glanced over to see what was the commotion but most in the tavern continued to their drinks, hearty laughter and music masking the details of Snorlan’s conversation with the human in his grasp.

Li: ::gagging:: What….who?

Snorlan: You see, I overheard your conversation.

Snorlan exhaled angrily through his nose.

Snorlan: And I find your admiration for him pitiful.

Li felt the feral Vulcan’s grip loosening slightly.

Li: Finley? What do you care?

Snorlan gritted his teeth, and tightened his grip around Li’s neck.

Snoran: ::Angrily:: I care ::slapping Li’s face with free hand:: because that filthy human, his dirty Klingon and a… ::frustrated:: oh, what species was that chap again?

Snorlan tapped the device on his shoulder. A holographic AI parrot flicked into life above Snorlan’s shoulder.

Arty: ::Squawk!:: Betazoid, Filthy human hybrid. ::Squawk!::

Snorlan: Yes, him. They are in debt to me. And I intend to collect.

With his other hand he pulled his disruptor from his holster, and pressed it against the side of Li’s head.

Snorlan: Now you’re going to tell me where I can find them… ::leaning face in closer:: or I am going to have to compensate the owner of this tavern for the mess I am about to make.


Lieutenant JG Geoffrey Teller
Chief Engineer
USS Veritas - NCC 95035
Capt. R. Rahman, Commanding


Lt. Commander Kinan Venroe
Personnel Officer
Cait Spacedock


Captain Roshanara Rahman
CO, USS Veritas

With Special Guest

Suave Pirate
SS Pon’Fire

written by LtJG Wil Ukinix