Reporter Issue 13

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Reporter Issue 13
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  • Issue Number: 13
  • Issue Date: 237406.20
  • Editor: Fleet Captain Elinor of Kanist

Reporter Archive Index


On Stardate 237406.18 Star Base 118 received a distress signal from the USS Freedom-A, commanded by Captain Jeff Pelletier. Since that time, we have been unable to contact nor locate that vessel. The Admiral has commanded that the Freedom and her entire crew be listed as missing in action as of Stardate 237406.18. If any other ship comes into contact with any information which may lead to the resolution of the crisis, please inform the Admiral.

I am sorry to report the death of Ensign A'Drigar, from the USS Panther. He wil be sorely missed.

The USS Panther, commissioned to Captain Bajim Maiken, was decommissioned on Stardate 237405.28 with a full ceremony at Star Base 118, including the ceremonial discharge of all her weapons. Captain Maiken and his crew was given the USS Atlantis as a replacement, and her christaining occured on the same date.


Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.

  • Maela Jolon, Lieutenant Commander, Medical Star Base 118
  • Skyfire, Lieutenant, Tactical Star Base 118



During a much deserved R & R break on nearby Betazoid, which was hosting a conference on the Prime Directive, several members of the Base's senior staff were abducted, threatened, or otherwise mistreated. It seems the source of this behavior may lie in the "practical joking" of one senior officer. Measures are being taken to identify the cause of these occurances and discipline those responsible.


none submitted


none submitted


While studying the Borgess Belt, a star nursery and system which is quite unstable, we have encountered two Borg vessels who seem to be exploring a rather unusual lifeform. The Borg seemed to be uninterested in Federation members, but their proximity to DS5 required action. Immediate assistance is requested.


USS Freedom-A: Called to Starbase 87 to investigate a mysterious power outage, we came up against a powerful virus that could only be killed by submitting the body to very cold temperatures. Following that, the Freedom and her crew were infiltrated by several "consciousnesses" from an alternate reality. It took us some time, but we were finally able to remove them from our bodies to continue on our way. The USS Freedom welcomes Ensign Allen Seaborg, Ensign Marko and Lieutenant Vinh-Nien Nguyen to her crew.


This month I am interviewing Ensign Maela Jolon, a Ktarian woman who was raised on Klingon, by Klingon adoptive parents. Originally a tactical expert, Jolon switched to medicine while at the Academy, and graduated recently. Her first assignment post graduation is at Star Base 118, where she is still posted.

Why did you choose a career in StarFleet?

My reasons for choosing a career with Starfleet is probably different than most. Though I am Ktaran, I was raised by Klingons on the homeworld. I had actually wanted to be a warrior like everyone else around me, but it is extremely rare that Klingons allow for those of other species to do so. When being a warrior did not pan out, I turned to Starfleet even though the two are actually quite different. Needless to say, Starfleet accepted me. It was after my first semester at the academy that I decided to switch my field of study from tactical to medicine. I can remember quite a few academy professors who did not think I would make it through medicine, not because I was not able to keep up with my studies, on the contrary I excelled in my studies. Many just thought I was too aggressive, they feared I would intimidate my patients.

What has been the greatest challenge of your current post?

When I first heard that I was to be posted at Starbase 118, I must admit I was disapointed. A starbase never enters into battle. I thought I'd end up always treating people for injuries sustained in the holodecks or some silly little cold they caught. But it has been quite different than I had imagined. We were both attacked by Maqui ships and invaded by entities which call themselves the Glazans. The greatest challenge has been the unexpected. Initially when the Glazans began inhabiting the crew's bodies, they seemed to manifest symptoms of a virus. But my staff and I were unable to find a cause. When it began to spread the real challenge began. But we later found out that this was not a new virus but that people's bodies were being taken over by energy beings. That was a challenging situation for me, but especially challenging for those who found themselves being inhabited and struggled to remain in control of themselves.

Now that situation has returned to normal, do you still miss traveling the stars?

Actually, I've never really did that much travelling. Growing up I wasn't able to go with my father aboard the various ships he served on. Klingon ships do not carry families. But I have had a taste of space travel and that is deffinately something I want to do more, and I frequently think about it. Perhaps not being able to go with my father when he served aboard starships increased my desire to travel the stars. Right now I'm happy serving on the starbase. But one day I do hope to have a position on a starship.

So, why did you switch to medicine?

Living on Qo'noS pretty much everyone learns how to fight and plan attacks so tactical wasn't anything new to me. Why choose medicine then. Well, it was something I had not tried before. Klingons are not known for their medical advances. I suppose I saw it as a challenge. When I tried it, it came easily to me and I quickly found myself enjoying it. I suppose you could say I am driven by challenge.

Do you feel you will remain in medical throughout your career, then?

That's hard to answer. At this point in time I'd say yes, medicine is something I enjoy very much and find challenging. There are always new discoveries being made, and there are a lot of things we still do not know about the body and various viruses and diseases. But I would also like to one day do some space exploration. Hopefully my medical background will fit into that as well. Its difficult to say what the future holds. There are so many factors yet unknown that may play into what my future will become. But my medical career is still only beginning, it will be quite some time before I seriously consider switching to another line of work or continuing with the present course.

And what do you do when you are not pursuing your work?

When am I not working? Medicine is very demanding. It is quite common to be dragged out of bed a three in the moment to take care of a patient. But what do I pursue in those rare occasions when I have free time? Well, I enjoy working out in the gym or with one of my calisthenic programs in the holodeck. Sometimes I feel I don't have nearly as much time for a good work out as I would like. I also always have a responsibility to my patients to remain current in my practice. So there are various medical journals that I read through. And that really takes up a lot of the little free time that I have. Being honest, when I have free time the thing I most want to do is sleep. My days are so busy that when I get off duty I really want to relax and just sleep, not very exciting I know.

And your Katarian roots. Do you plan to explore those further?

No. My people are rather zenophobic, there is not much information that I or Starfleet can procure. Ktarans are very private in the respect of what people can learn of them. They distance themselves.

The Ktaran government has made it clear that, for whatever reasons, I am no longer welcome within their society. I have acepted that and have moved on and grown within my adopted culture. It does me no good to dwell on the past. My honor does not lie within my Ktaran roots, but within my ability to adapt and grow into more.


Summer vacations take many of us away for long stretches of time. Please let your superior officer know before you leave, it helps to ensure that the sim will continue to move smoothly while you are away, and that we will be happy to see you when you return.


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