Reporter Issue 12
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Submissions are welcome. Please submit by the 19th of each month.
Captains, please submit plot outlines for your ships by the 19th of each month.
We have several captains assigned to Star Base 118, as well as several higher ups. Here, I would like to briefly introduce you to some of them.
Currently in examination for the Captaincy is Field Captain Gaius Aldus, a Terran, currently assigned to Star Base 118. He has been an officer on various vessels including the Freedom (the original), Centris, and Ranger. Originally an engineer, Aldus has switched to the Command Core, and we hope to see him finish his captain's examination by this time next month.
Captain Jeff Pelletier, Terran/Betazoid, was the most recent UFOP officer made captain, and now commands the Freedom-A. The son of a StarFleet Officer (his father was an engineer), Pelletier took degrees in tacitcal and navigation at the academy. Captain Pelletier is perhaps the fastest rising officer we have had here on 118, making Lieutenant Commander in record time, and scoring the highest ever on the written Commander's exam.
Captain Maikan Bajim, Betazed, in command of the Panther, entered StarFleet very much against his family's wishes, but has distinguished himself here. He has served under Admiral Wolf and Fleet Captain Sven Tray (now retired) before rising in rank to Captain and acheiving his own command.
Fleet Captain Elinor of Kanist, Vulcan, in command of the Centris, was a graduate of the Vulcan Science Institute, not StarFleet Academy. She first worked in cartography, moving to navigation and finally making first officer onboard the USS Adelphi. Since being assigned to Star Base 118, she has always commanded the Centris, rising in rank to Fleet Captain in charge of Email Vessels. She was distinguished with the Sarek Star and the Anastas Medal of Acheivement.
Admiral Tristain Wolf, Terran, in command of Star Base 118 and her ship compliment (all of us), originally worked in computer engineering before graduating the Academy with a degree in medicine. He served aboard the Melbourne, Yamato, and Farragult before being promoted to Captain and given the Phoenix B to command. From there he quickly gained in rank, becoming the Admiral to Star Base 118 in a short time.
Congratulations to the following officers for their promotions.
- Curtis Arvanon, Commander, USS Centris
StarBase 118 is just beginning it's Deglazening process, of all members of our crew who were assimilated into the Glazen society. StarFleet has sent numerous crews to help with the mass damage that has wreacked havoc on the base's computers and hardware. The USS Panther is currently a few kilometers from the base, holding all members of our crew who were assimilated. The Glazens are a society which has transported themselves from the past, to our year, to try and destroy an enemy society to them. Their enemies were destroyed in a supernova years back. Because of this, the Glazen society was left without a purpose, and the StarBase crew was able to catch them unaware, and confused.
none submitted
We have begun a new program of holographic trainings, in the hope that we can adequately train new recruits in within a shorter time frame. The first two candidates to go through this new program performed magnificantly.
We have been involved in a secret mission to rescue Officers Brian Kelly and Sutra Carlen, thought killed by Cardassians. We are currently at Star Base 211, in confrontation with the Cardassians and the Jem Hadar, over this rescue attempt.
First, we would like to welcome Ensign Sito Los on board the Freedom. Sito has taken over the Helm. The USS Freedom is currently engaged in a classified mission in the Tasper System. The mission is the result of several unidentified attacks on our outposts in the Regaty sector. Sent to investigate, the Freedom came up against a band of unidentified people who were thought to also be behind several different attacks have been made over the last seven mouths on different outposts and bases with 4 to 5 lightyears of the Regaty Sector
After arriving at starbase 118 for some R & R from fighting off dominion invasion fleets, we found the starbase taken over by the glazon, a race long thought to be extinct. We then assisted the starbase staff in clearing the intruding entities from the station before they could kill all of the people on board. We are currently in the process of cleanup, and are getting ready for some much needed rest.
This month I am interviewing Lieutenant Commander Alexander Wilkens, a Terran male currently assigned as Chief of Security aboard the USS Centris.
Why did you choose a career in StarFleet?
My parents urged me to. My mother and father were both non-commisioned engineers in Starfleet. Their hope was for me to carry on the tradition of service as a Starfleet engineer. As my family was living on the colony of New Seattle at the time, Starfleet was my best chance of getting into the "real world." I don't think I shocked my parents when I told them I was going to compete for a commision. I've always been the take charge type of person, so I knew I would never enlist. Four days after my 18th birthday, I turned in my application for the New Seattle Naval Institute, and later earned my gold pip.
So, when did you switch from engineering into security?
When I started my Starfleet courses on New Seattle, my first major of study was engineering. I quickly found out I had no talent for the trade after I was put on academic probation because of bad grades. I switched to Security quickly after because I thought it would be an easy job and keep me in shape. Some time during my sophomore year, I saw a report that showed that most captains are taken from the helm or the navigational position. I changed majors again into navigation to increase my chances of a captaincy. I have a full qualification for the helm and a minor in security. And truth be told, navigation has become a pleasure. I wish I could get back to the helm.
Why do you miss navigation?
There's always been something exciting about being the man to drive a multi billion credit Starship. When at the helm, I feel like the one in charge. Also the helm is a post where you can initiate things. Security seems to be a branch where you have to react to events. There isn't much for me to do unless something bad happens. And even though I'm in Starfleet for the adventure, I don't enjoy bad things happening.
Is that why you joined StarFleet? For adventure. Has it met with your expectations?
Starfleet as been quite the adventure...I'd rather not waste time and bore you with all my details, but Starfleet has served me very well in terms of excitement. Life is good when you have a job where you never do the same thing twice.
Before we close this interview, can you relate a favorite story?
A favorite story...well..the story I like to tell doesn't come from anytime I've served on a ship. It's an embarassing story from my first Field Training Exercise at the academy. I was a first year cadet, and my fellow cadets and I were shuttled to Stanton 4 for training in land navigation and survival. I have this nasty habit for preparing things at the last moment and I was the last to the first formation. In addition to that, I left my first aid kit and tricorder behind in my room. The upperclassmen in charge of the training had a fun time hazing me and watching me do pushups in front of the entire squadron of cadets. The lesson I learned? The academy isn't everything. Oddly enough, just because you're outstanding in classes or in simulators, doesn't mean you can hack it out of the Academy's ivory tower surroundings. I've done very well since my mishaps at New Seattle. I haven't left my tricorder behind since..
- Please write and tell me what you like or don't like about the Reporter. I would also appreciate suggestions re: what you would like to see in this newsletter.
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