Ramer Ghatus

Par'tha Expanse

Ramer Ghatus may be chronologically new to the diplomatic profession, but he exudes the confidence and experience of peers who have been doing the same job for decades. He rocketed through Imperial diplomatic training, and in his short time actually being a diplomat, he has brokered numerous deals and treaties...all for the advancement and glory of the Empire, of course.

Member of Outpost Ganzera


Ramer Ghatus
  • Assignment: Oscion
  • Position: Valcarian Diplomat

With Valcarian Imperial sights next set on completely controlling the Par'tha Expanse, Ghatus has been sent to "aid" Imperial Grand Governor Dunell Niona. In reality, Ghatus has been given the agenda, and Niona is intentionally being "left out of the loop."

Personality & Appearance

Ghatus has dark hair and dark eyes, and rarely smiles. When he does, it looks like he knows something you don't. It is very unsettling. He makes sure he is aware of as much of any given situation as possible, so as not to be "blind-sided." He is astute and observant, and lets nothing get past him. He has high aspirations for his career, perhaps even being Emperor someday. He may even pull that off.