Laura Moore

Vital Statistics

Name: Laura Moore
Rank: Petty Officer, 1st class
Position: Lead Lab Technician
Assignment: USS Triumphant
Species: Humans
Gender: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 120 lbs
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Shoulder length black dreds
Build: Average
Skin tone: Ebony black
Place of birth: New York, Earth


Laura is an average sized woman with a nice disposition. Quiet and a hard worker she spends most of her time in the lab. On her free time she can be found in her quarters writing or reading mail from her husband and kids.


Graduated with a master's degree in Exo-scientific Studies from Cornell University, Ithica, New York. Has two children who live on Earth with her mother, Betty. Her husband is a space transport driver. Two children, Joe, an aspiring entertainment producer and Ashley, who works for First Interspace Bank Headquarters in San Francisco. Laura also holds advanced degrees in Exobiology and Exophysiology.


  • age 18 - Married to Kineo Moore and her son Joe is born
  • age 20 - Her daughter Ashley is born
  • age 23 - Entered Cornell University, Ithica, New York
  • age 28 - Graduated with a master's degree in Exo-scientific Studies
  • age 31 - Recieved advanced degree in Exobiology
  • age 33 - Recieved advanced degree in Exophysiology
  • age 34 - Went to work for starfleet as a civilian scientist
  • age 42 - Enlisted in starfleet, after basic training, auto promoted to Petty Officer due to her experience as a civilian scientist with starfleet and her educational qualifications
  • age 47 - Transfered to USS Triumphant. Needs experience off Earth in order to qualify for promotion