Kyle Argos

USS Thunder
Kyle Argos

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Awards and Service Ribbons

Awards ServiceRibbons LegionOfMerit 2011.jpg Awards ServiceRibbons GoodConduct 2011.jpg

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Kyle Argos is a Terran serving aboard the USS Thunder, in the Intelligence department.


  • Kyle Allen Argos:
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: Stardate: 236402.29 February 29, 2364
  • Place of Birth:
  • Age: 38
  • Gender: Male


  • Height: 1.87m (6’ 2”)
  • Weight: 72.57kg (155lbs)
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Short
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Skin Tone: Fair
  • Birthmarks, Scars: No visible birthmarks or scars. Kyle looks younger than he actually is.
  • Build: Medium build and very fit
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Anything comfortable, typically jeans and a t-shirt
  • Shoes: Standard issue boots when on duty, sneakers when off
  • Voice: Deep and masculine, but easy on the ears
  • Handedness:Left-handed


  • Favorite Room:
  • Habits:
  • Mannerisms:
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion:
  • Hobbies and Pastimes:
  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
  • Ambitions and Goals:
  • Achievements in Life:
  • Disappointments in Life:
  • Temperment:
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias):
  • Physical Limitations:
  • Quarters:


Important Relationships

Personal History

Kyle Argos was born on Earth on a day that by traditional Terran calendars does not exist, leap day February 29 2364. Then unusual circumstance of being born on a nonexistent day is a situation that can pretty much explain Shane's life, unusual.

Kyle was born to a very unusual pair of Terran young adults named Peter Argos and Amanda Commings. Kyle's parents had been lifelong friends when at the young age of eighteen succumbed to natural desires and enjoyed a night of close intimacy. Nine months later, Kyle was born. During the birthing process complications arose due to a previously unknown alien disease. Shortly after Kyle was born, his mother died. Unable to mentally process the death of his lifelong friend and recent lover, Peter began to make what some would call unwise choices. The biggest of these choices was to take his infant son and move to the Orion home world, where he became heavily involved in a vast criminal organization.

Growing up on the planet Orion, Kyle had a much different childhood than most Terrans. For Kyle, seedy dealings and rampant gambling were a regular part of life and for most of his childhood seemed completely normal. Being one of the few Terrans in his hometown, Kyle had very few friends but he still managed to get himself into trouble like every other child in the universe. At a young age, Shane began showing signs of being very intelligent, but being too occupied with his criminal dealings, Kyle's father did nothing to encourage positive education efforts. Unfortunately for Kyle, the teachers on Orion were not equipped to handle gifted students, so Kyle's intelligence was never used to its potential.

Shortly before Kyle's sixteenth, or fourth birthday depending on how you measure it, Peter Argos was convicted on charges of robbing the Orion Galactic Bank. Still being a minor in the eyes of the law, and his father in prison Kyle was sent back to Earth to live with his paternal grandparents.

Not long after his arrival, Kyle's grandfather, Commander Kyle Argos retired, picked up on his grandson's higher than average intelligence. Commander Argos took advantage of all available tools and began fostering Kyle's intelligence and encouraged Kyle to join Starfleet.

On his eighteenth birthday, Kyle enrolled in Starfleet Academy.

Academy Records

Professional History


  1. 236402.29: Was born.

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet 238309.01 - 238705.15 USS Centris-A Cadet Cruise
  Ensign 238705.15 - 238910.06 Deep Space 17 Intel Officer
  Lieutenant JG 238910.06 - 239006.14 Deep Space 17 Intel Officer
  Lieutenant 239006.14 - 239109.11 Deep Space 17 Intel Officer
  Lieutenant 239109.11 - 239208.17 USS Atlantis Intel Officer
  Lieutenant 239208.17 - Present USS Thunder Intel Officer

Awards and Commendations

  • 239110.30 The Legion Of Merit
  • 239110.30 The Good Conduct Ribbion