Kelrod/StarFleet Records


Marcus earned the rank of LIEUTENANT COMMANDER in stardate 238509.

He then was called to a secret location for almost a year to participate in some investigation of what he's knowledge. No one knows but has to do with the planet Ambrosia and the non-physical consciousness that the Columbia crew found when they're stranded there. It was there that he possessed Marcus in an attempt to take the ship, along with others like him, but one named Tantalus took over the same body and forced him and Marcus to merge, making this fusion irreversible when they used the ancient equipment to remove Tantalus and later destroyed it. Later he's posted on the USS CHALLENGER-A in the rank of Lieutenant and after a diplomatic mission that ended with a war between the Pifili and the Aarakocrans the Challenger-A returned to DS24 and there he regained the status of Lt. Commander (stardate 238609.23)

He took part on the 2387 on the battle with the Vaadwaur, during their Invasion and the retaking of DS17 that was occupied months ago by their forces coming from some kind of vortex leading to what's known as Underspace. The Challenger-A crew managed to tamper a Vaadwaur ship's computer system and discovered the way the Vortex opens to normal space and a way to detect them, at least in short/medium distance. Marcus Job was, along with Engineering Officer Tanjar-Ongra to find how the Underspace works and to tap into the computer of the enemy ship. With the gained data and sent to the Fleet, the retaking of the station was a success and he earned the Cochrane award.

After that mission, Lt. Chalmers went to visit his uncle in New Edimburg and after and argument with him the Lt. went to take his wife and leave but before he did he's detained as prime suspect of the death of his uncle, Ebenezer Chalmers. Chalmers called the Challenger and explained the situation and they went to help in the investigation, for this Dickens was put in charge of the investigation with all the crew available to him except for the captain and the FO in case they're needed to be the advocates of Lieutenant Chalmers.

With the help of the crew of the Challenger-A Lt. Chalmers was released of charges as there were proves that Mr. Jason Dean could be responsible of the death of Ebenezer Chalmers. After that the Challenger left the orbit towards it's next mission.

The USS CHALLENGER-A was sent to the planet Chaltok IV in order to help protecting some Federation Diplomatics as well as ascertain the situation with the revolts of the Remans. While on the mission Lt. Dickens was recalled by Starfleet to serve as First Officer on the USS AURORA.


Marcus met his new captain shortly before the departure of the ship. Commander Della Vetri was the Commanding officer of the ship and both leaded a fresh comission of junior officers, with the exception of Lt. Cmdr. Barnes that also transferred from the Challenger-A at the same time as Dickens. They're sent to investigate the effects of the Hobus Nova on the Neutral zone. On their arrival they detected a strange Kinoplasmic radiation that was followed by a space distortion that sent the ship 750 LY behind the Romulan Empire. While recovering from the bumpy trip, they discovered a D7 class Romulan ship drifting in space. After some talks with the Romulan crew, some of them joined the Aurora to return to the empire, after knowing what's happened with the explosion of the Romulus star. After being able to return through the distortion and bringing up a cristal, part of some structures that made the distortion stable, they're sent to Mars to leave the Aurora and join the new Luna Class starship, USS AVANDAR.


The new Luna class was sent to return to the other side of the distortion to investigate the area. On their way, the crew of the Avandar was given some awards. Marcus received the Bajoran Campaign Ribbon, the Explorers Ribbon and the Purple Heart Ribbon on stardate 238827.12

On the next mission the Avandar crew founds itself trapped in a planet when the Avandar received an energy wave that made the ship crash on the planet. There they met a civilization that took them as a kind of demons or evil that has to be destroyed. It wasn't without effort that the crew managed to stablish a communication with the natives but an uprising about the way to act to leave the planet by an officer led to a mutiny and a fight between those loyal to Captain Vetri and those who wanted to return home no matter the cost. After finding themselves safe later on the ship and in orbit Marcus had to leave to undergo a deep psicological exams scheduled to check on Kelrod's influence over him. It was after the check that took more than expected that he's able to join again the Avandar crew in stardate 238908.10.

After returning to the Avandar he's moved to the engineering department, becoming the Chief Engineer of the ship, a position he wasn't comfortable with as he had no experience in engineering aside from the academy and the required knowledge to move through the ranks. As the ship was tasked to help the USS DRAKE to patrol the frontier against a possible Klingon attack, they're attacked while helping the Drake's distress call next to a station in the Gateway system. After repelling a Klingon K'Tanco class cruiser attack on the station and the Drake, both starfleet vessels managed to recover the colonists of the station after negotiation with Kadosh, a representative, that ruled the station. The Klingons came back with reinforcements and a new Klingon shuttle class, penetrated the shields while cloacked and rammed the ship, making a hole to drop boarding parties. After a few minutes the boarders were subdued and Dickens discovered that the shuttle has a program to detonate it's warp core when loosing the lifesigns of it's ocupants. He had to blow part of the walls to free the ship and allow the Avandar to take some safe distance. After that, the ship went to Poseidon system where they took a leave and repairs were made to the hole in the hull as well as some little system upgrades. It's there that Marcus was again moved to the First Officer position.

This year marks a turning point in Marcus career. The captain was called to a meeting of different captain and high ranking officers while the Avandar had to go through the Rabbit hole to explore the space behind the Romulan empire territory. So, with him in the big chair they answered a distress call but were caught in a trap that rendered the ship almost without energy and possibility of defense. After being boarded by Alr'n crew from the attacking ship, they fought back the intruders and then the Alr'n ship left as two other ships appeared. Those ships were hunting the Alr'n and the Avandar joined that search, looking to recover some stolen technology and items, what brought them to planets Salin and Dullimar. On that last planet they found the Alr'n and worked with local authorities to aprehend them. They managed to do so and in doing they learnt that the aliens that helped them, were in reality mercenaries looking for thel Alr'n ship and technology. After a conflict solved with the help of Dullimar security forces and the presence of the USS HALO they resumed their task of exporation. He's then promoted to the rank of Commander by Captain Vetri on stardate 239008.07 During the year one of the events the Avandar encountered was some Iconian gateways that activated around the Alpha and Beta quadrant. Dickens along counselor Jolara, Marine Valentino and doctor Ryan were accidentally transported to the Breen homeworld. After escaping while being captured, they managed to survive the cold climate of the planet and a hunt from the Breen before the Avandar crew, using the USS BOREALIS used the gateway to rescue them. After their return, the gateway was destroyed. All the Avandar crew were given the Gateway Ribbon and they plotted course to planet Sallin to get some rest.

They encountered a strange entity that attached to the warp core and put some of the crew in a REM sleep and then into a Mindscape world product of the mind of T'Sara, the daughter of Captain Vetri and T'Lea. After some attempts to disengage the creature from the core, this, sensing that something was odd in the Mindscape that could hurt the crew and feeling that it has absorbed enough energy to continue it's travel, left the ship with as much mistery as it came with.


The Avandar crew received notification of transfers for most of the senior staff and Marcus was transferred from the USS AVANDAR to the USS DISCOVERY-C.

After his arrival to the Discovery, he found himself in a battle with former fleet captain Xan Hebron and Captain Nekkar that had stole the Constitution-B and threatened to liberate the Daris II virus against the Federation. Eventually their captured, the virus neutralized but Starfleet command decided to decommission the Discovery-C and captain Waltas was forced to leave Starfleet and retired on his home planet Ba'Ku. Marcus was transferred then to the USS ATLANTIS as Mission Specialist.

The Atlantis was tasked to escort a Grenushi ambassador to Uzoka 4, in the Par'tha expanse to end some peace talks between his people and the Krayav. Not without difficulties, they managed to get the Ambassador to the talks after painfully discovering that the gift he's carrying were some cloud lifeforms that affected the telepaths and those with latent psi abilities and were attacked by the EJS, activists that claimed their will to free all the clouds from what they consider slavery and mistreatment. In the light of discovering that they're sentient, commander Blueheart asked to view how the "Dancers" were treated on Krayav. It seems that the government accepted the petition. During the mission Dickens was named Chief of Security and once it's over, Cmdr. Blueheart assigned him as First Officer.

Late on the 2391 the Atlantis was caught in a temporal distortion that included a Federation ship, the USS Pike and a Romulan vessel, both from the past. Having part of the Pike crew appearing on the Atlantis led to a series of events that ended up in the captain knowing that Lt. Scott was about to fire on the Romulan vessel and did nothing to stop it. He's forced to lead an investigation of the issue and for some time he had to act as Acting Captain of the ship. Finally the investigation went on and Cpt. Blueheart, with Dickens by his side supporting him, was cleared of all charges given the exceptional circumstances of the situation. Following that, there was an incident between Lt. Jg. Janeway and Lt. Gardener that led to the court martial of Janeway and the demotion of Dickens from the position of FO by orders of Starfleet command, given that they knew it was Kelrod leading Dickens's body. Those details were sealed by starfleet and his new position as CSO regarded as structural reorganization.




Following his experience on board the Apollo A where he's phased out with the rest of the ship and crew, but he unable to return to phase for three months, he recovered in Starfleet Medical and under supervision by Starfleet Intelligence. Once cleared he's assigned to the [USS Invicta] under command of Commander Roshanara Rahman, being Kelrod since he left the Earth medical facilities as Marcus decided to allow him be the one living real life while he'll remain in the back of their shared mind. He's posted as Security officer under CoS Lieutenant Hanar Tuk. On the first assignement, they're to free the QSD passenger ship Charles Lindbergh were a group kidnapped the ship along with one of the previous election cadidate to president of the Federation. Marcus along Luna Walker and othrs boarded the ship while the Invicta faced some cloaked ships around. They couldn't get the kidnappers but managed to save the ship from exploding.


The next assignement after shore leave on DSX, was to go to Nigel II so Commander T'Lea could examine some ruins that were thought to be Iconian. As they brought an artifact to the ship from the ruins, soon find themselves with a loss of power on the ship and a memory loss. If that wasn't enough, the memories o other people began to take control of the crew's bodies. After struggling with one of those memories, he managed to retain his own, but struggled with the loss of memory. Eventually the crew managed to find a solution and he recovered fully.


While on shore leave, Kelrod, still impersonating as Marcus, talked to FC Kells about his condition as it's required per SFI orders, and Kells told him to tell it to Washington as it was the current CO of the Invicta. After a talk between Washington, Kelrod and Dickens, they called SFI and the officer in charge of Kelrod stated that they've released the information about Kelrod to Starfleet senior officers, so he's free to let it know to the senior staff of the Invicta. Before doing the meeting to inform the crew, a new mission was handed to the Invicta, so they postponed the issue after the mission. They're headed to Adova, where their population requested help from Starfleet to get rid of some genetic weapons that were created centuries ago to eliminate all trace of telepaths on their species. Upon their arrival, he's assigned to the team going to the Advanced BioResearch Center. The Adovan scientists seemed kind and straighforward, but Kelrod sensed that there were something not told to them. On stardate 239306.30 he was awarded with the Sheated Sword ribbon


The senior staff of the Invicta was called to man the USS Venture, an old constitution class starship that served as a museum, to the centennial ceremony of the Khitomer accords, on Khitomer. After dealing with the issues of making a one hundred years museum space worthy, they managed to get on the ceremony and perform as expected. However upon returning to it's resting place, they're absorbed by a time distortion that brought them to 2263 on a system where they're confronted by three klingon vessels wanting to destroy the Federation enemy. They managed to hide in a nebula just when the ships were destroyed by unknown entity. After discovering that it's been the Doomsday Machine, the Invicta, now Venture crew, managed to make some repairs, and rescue Klingons that had transported to a planet that was about to be destroyed by the entity. Meanwhile, another group went to the remains of the Klingon vessels to get some dilithium crystals, necessary to get systems online and try to get back home. News came that a Klingon named Gorkon was killed on the doomsday attack, so the crew began to think what kind of future they'll return to. After managing to convince the Klingons that there was a greater enemy to fight, they managed to send two shuttles to detonate them in the mouth of the machine, slowing it down and disabling it temporarily. One of the shuttle pilots, a Klingon named Ukith, loosed control of the shuttle and finally was destroyed by the machine that almost destroyed the Venture too. As they left the system they're confronted by a small Klingon fleet leaded by General Gorkon itself. Apparently the one killed was his first son. With that, they managed to return the Klingons with their comrades in a peaceful manner and went back to the 24th century where they learned that the Invicta crew will be redeployed across the fleet.



' The Shoals '

After spending five months with Raj, after the crew transfer on the Invicta, Kelrod was posted to a station near Cait, to help dealing with pirate raids on the sector. Shortly, he's addressed by Captain Rahman who recruited him to be part of the crew of the USS Veritas, along with many of the senior staff of the Invicta. They're tasked with investigating the death of the Veritas previous Captain, Rosa Carrero, who had been murdered in an assault to the Shadow's edge governor's residence. He along with the Veritas crew arrived to the place to discover that the attack wasn't against Carrero, but the killers were pleased to find her there, so the mistery grows to know, who and why. After some investigation, including an undercover mission to gain information, Kelrod along with Lt. Jg. Greyson and Lt. JG. Sands discovered some portable interference generators that along with other clues discovered by Commander Blake's team, lead to the conclusion that the Reya laialara was behind the attack.

' Rag and Bone '

Following the loss of communication with Yorba Station, the Veritas went to a big moving tetryon storm that travels through the Shoals periodically. Two teams were sent with Shuttles into the Maelstrom. There they found a cargo ship, the Tiburon, that has collided with Yorba station, destroying it. The two teams entered the ship to see if there was anything worth rescuing they found some complications and the Veritas found a way to get to a relatively calm spot of the Maelstrom. While the Veritas got in the zone, they found that trying to rescue them, they ended up in a rogue planet, isolated in the Maelstrom that was inhabitated bya a pre industrial civilization. SAR team was deployed to rescue them as they're followed and hunted by the locals. Kelrod and the SAR team was able to retrieve the away team and get back to the Veritas, making their way to Antor.

' Aftershock '

As the Veritas got to Antor II to assist in the recovery of a series of ground quakes, there was a terrorist attack that created a subspace rupture on the surface. The Veritas crew went down to help with the treatment of injured, sealing the rupture and trying to hold the domes that served as habitats for the Antorians. Political rivalries get in the way of the relief efforts, not hindering them, but using the situation for political benefits. Later, the crew made a team to investigate some underground tunnels that commander Walker discovered and fro where she's rescued after a ceiling fell down over her. She managed to made a a force field, to save her. The team went down, finding a hidden base, capturing a group of cardassians, of whom only one survived. They finally made a way out of the tunnels after a series of explosives send the ceiling of the tunnels down. After that, and once back on the ship there was an assassination attempt on the leader of Antor that the Veritas crew managed to prevent. After that, a klingon named Jilor made a statement against the Federation policy and it's presence on the Shoals, targetting any allies of the Federation to be attacked if they don't refuse the Federation.


Under development


After leaving the moon renamed Limbo the Veritas crew was granted a extended shore leave while the ship underwent major repairs on a drydock on Earth. He went to Betazed to meet with Marcus mother and after an open heart conversation he went to solve some issues with the duality Kelrod-Marcus. After that and upon returning to the Veritas that was being refitted with a Warp XV experimental drive, he's offered the position of Acting Chief of Security.