Jerry Reid/Marine Officer Training

Declared Marine Majors

Cadets who declare their major at the Academy as the Marine major complete both the core Academy curriculum as well as specialized coursework from the Starfleet Marine Training College. These cadets typically seek to become Marine command officers who go on to lead squads, contingents, and the Marine Corps as a whole.

Marine Major Requirements

To complete the Marine Officer major, Lt. Reid completed the following credits:

  • TAC101
  • TAC110
  • ARM101
  • ARM110
  • DIPL101
  • DIPL110
  • DIPL120
  • ENGR101
  • ENGR110
  • ENGR120
  • PILT101
  • PILT110
  • PILT120
  • PSY101
  • TAC120
  • TAC130
  • TAC140
  • TAC150
  • TAC160
  • TAC170
  • TAC180
  • TAC190
  • TAC200

Lt. Reid did not complete a minor from one of the following:

Starfleet Marine Basic School

After graduation, Lt.Reid, like other Marine officers who did not complete the Marine major at Starfleet Academy, was required to undergo additional training at the Starfleet Marine Basic School before given an assignment in the fleet. Here, they and Lt. Reid had to complete specific marine coursework as well as physical conditioning and exercises.

Non-Marine Corps officers who wish to become Marine officers later in their careers are also eligible to undergo training at the Basic School provided that they meet the requirements on their physical and performance evaluations.

Emphasis is placed on combat-related skills, although marine officers are Starfleet officers first and foremost, sworn to uphold the values of the Federation and seek avoidance of collateral damage, even at the cost of their own lives.

Specific skills taught and exercises conducted at the Basic School:

  • Physical endurance tests
  • Swimming
  • Long-distace hiking with full combat gear
  • Climbing
  • Extensive marksmanship training
  • Live-fire simulations
  • Battlefield communications

  • Squad tactics & weapons
  • Scouting & patrol
  • Planetside navigation
  • Combat operations
  • Combat engineering
  • Combat medicine
  • Rules of engagement

Training at the Starfleet Marine Basic School concludes with two weeks of exercises testing all skills learned over the previous weeks.

Gordarius "Jerry" Reid
Commissioned on 237410.15
Tal Te'lar Marcus Dickens
Academy Commandant
Starfleet Academy
Training Liaison
Starfleet Marine Corps