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Learn what 118Wiki is and how is it run.


The community has created several policies and guidelines that guarantee the high quality of 118Wiki.


These topics teach you how editing and changing 118Wiki other ways work from a technical standpoint.


After learning how to edit 118Wiki pages, it is time to learn how you can put those skills into use.

Advanced topics

This section covers topics that might be complicated or relate to running 118Wiki.

  • Work in progress…

Finding help

Couldn’t find what you were looking for here? You can find more help and information from the following sources!

  • Ask in the chat
    The #wiki-web-questions channel in our Discord is actively monitored by the 118Wiki:Ops members and other experienced users.
  • Ask your mentor or ship Wiki operator
    If you have been assigned to a ship, you can also send questions to your mentor, ship’s Wiki assistant, or a staff member.
  • Wiki Administrators
    Wiki Administrators have sysop rights to 118Wiki and can help you even with complicated issues.
  • Wikipedia and MediaWiki
    118Wiki runs on MediaWiki, the same system as Wikipedia. You will find more detailed help in those sites, but be aware that they might not always be entire accurate for 118Wiki.

Questions about StarBase 118 PBEM RPG
Maybe you would want to see the following topics next:
  • Cadet Orientation
    Learn what StarBase 118 PBEM RPG is, how to join it, how to prepare your character and more.
  • Ensigns Orientation
    Learn your first steps after becoming an ensign, how to play in your duty post, what there is to do in our community and more.
  • Member Resources
    Learn what resources members of StarBase 118 PBEM RPG have in their disposal.