Darius Mando

USS Challenger-A

Darius Mando


  • Gender: Male
  • Position: Security Officer
  • Rank: Ensign
  • Race: Trill
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Ensign Darius Mando, a joined Trill, is currently serving as security officer aboard the USS Challenger-A.


  • Full Name: Darius Mando
  • Race: TrillJoined
  • Date of Birth: 236201.06
  • Place of Birth: Raal on Vulcan near the Voroth Sea
  • Age: 26
  • Gender:Male


  • Height: 6'4"
  • Weight: 245
  • Hair Color:Blond
  • Length of Hair: Long worn back in a pony tail
  • Eye Color: Purple
  • Skin Tone: Deeply Tanned
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Build: Stocky, Muscular
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head):
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty):
  • Shoes:
  • Voice: Deep and sincere
  • Handedness:Left


  • Quarters:
  • Favorite Room: Wherever there is a lady
  • Habits: Singing and making weapons
  • Mannerisms: Bond is his word
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion:None
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Drinking and dating
  • Likes: women, long nights and working on martial arts skills
  • Dislikes: Ferengi
  • Ambitions and Goals: To step foot on every major planet
  • Achievements in Life: Captain by 30
  • Disappointments in Life: Not enough time to spend with those he loves
  • Temperment: Even handed unless crossed
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): None, does have a photogenic memory
  • Physical Limitations:None


  • Marital Status:Single
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Allis Katarn - Licensed Psychotherapist (Age 51)
    • Mother: Pataul Katarn – Federation Ambassdor (Age 52)
  • Siblings:Elara Botane - Pianist (Age 29)

Personal History

  1. 236201.06: Born on Vulcan while parents served as ambassadors for the Federation.
  2. 238008.11: Entered Trill Academy of Advanced Learning.
  3. 238104.15: Joined with Mando Symbiot
  4. 238210.02: Graduated TAAL with advanced qualifications in Psychology and Xenobiology.
  5. 238210.05: Joined Starfleet Academy
  6. 238505.22: Graduated Starfleet Academy
  7. 238505.22: Promoted to Ensign
  8. 238505.22: Assigned to USS Challenger

Previous Hosts:

5. Alynna-Teacher at the TAAL academy. Was 73 at time of accidental death. Well known for love of the Federation and the want to explore. Made friends with Darius and chose him to carry on the Mando symbiot.

4. Nilani- Most recent host. Was 87 at time of death. Computer scientist. Renowned on Trill. Widowed. Had twins. Friends claim she had great decorating taste. Made good cheesecake.

3. Lytus- Very shy. Loved nature; ecologist. Hermit. Vegan. Won latinum medal in Federation Olympics for swimming. Never married. Died at 63.

2. Devinel- Brutal politician. Led the governing body for seven years. Never left Trill if he could help it. Scared of transporters. Was assassinated at age 45 by a human mercenary (the only name on record for this woman is Taya) whom he had been involved with.

1. Calila- Cocktail waitress turned defense pilot. Achieved rank of Colonel before retiring early at age 37, after her health down was worn down by time in an alien prison (her thirteenth prison term). Married former second-in-command. Had five children. Died at age 100.

Professional History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
  Cadet 1st Class ??????.?? Graduated SB118 Academy Security Officer
  Ensign 238805.26 - 238806.01 USS Challenger-A Security Officer
238806.01 - Present LOA

Awards & Commendations

NPC Listing        Challenger-A Senior Staff        Crew History
CO: Cmdr. Tal Tel-ar
FO: Lt. Cmdr. Jesse Lawn  Second Officer: (currently unassigned)
  CEO: (currently unassigned)   EO: Ens. Tobias Walker  EO: Ens. Deven Zell
COO: (currently unassigned)  HO: Ens. Dero Goi
  HCO: Ens. Thomas Huttle
ACOS: Lt. Hannibal Parker   SO: Ens. Skyleena Blake
ACTO: Lt. Hannibal Parker  TO: Ens. Virinth Dram
Counsellor: Lt. (jg) Diego Herrera‏

CMO: Lt. Cmdr Jerry Reid  MO: Ens. Moran Jatam  ACSO: Lt. (jg) Maya Gemini
SO: Ens. Darius Mando

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