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The Centauran language can be subdivided into two somewhat-distinct 'classes' or 'ages': Low (or Old) Centauran and High (or New) Centauran[1]. While the more modern language is widely used across Velestus and is coded into Federation Universal Translators, Low Centauran is a dated and unrepresented language, meaning it is not untranslated[1].

Early Human explorers of the region originally noted similarities between Low Centauran and the Greek language from Earth - leading some to even conjecture the Centauran people may be descendants of relocated Greeks[1]. However, further investigation revealed the similarity was coincidental.

Glossary of Terms

While this listing is not exhaustive, it should be kept as complete as possible without becoming speculative.

Only translations defined In Character (IC) and/or canonically should be included in this list and, whenever possible, should be referenced.

Family Relations

(H) Centauran Term (L) Centauran Term Standard Equivalent Variations & Notes
No IC established translation. No IC established translation. Parent It may be reasonable to assume a similar scheme to the mother/grandmother comparison.
Mavai[2] Mother It may be reasonable to assume this term is the same/similar in High and Low Centauran.
No IC established translation. Father It may be reasonable to assume a similar scheme to the mother/grandmother comparison.
No IC established translation. Grandparent It may be reasonable to assume a similar scheme to the mother/grandmother comparison.
Tsavai[2] Grandmother It may be reasonable to assume this term is the same/similar in High and Low Centauran.
No IC established translation. Grandfather It may be reasonable to assume a similar scheme to the mother/grandmother comparison.
No IC established translation. Child
No IC established translation. Daughter
No IC established translation. Son


(H) Centauran Term (L) Centauran Term Standard Equivalent Variations & Notes
Velestus Velestos[1] Alpha Centauri IV The home world of the Centauran people.
No IC established translation. No IC established translation. Alpha Centauri A One of the Stars in the Alpha Centauri binary system.
No IC established translation. No IC established translation. Alpha Centauri B One of the Stars in the Alpha Centauri binary system.
Tarola'n No IC established translation. The Capital City of Velestus.
Da’aden Epestor[3] No IC established translation. One of Velestus' islands, and a former nation state.
No IC established translation. No IC established translation. One of the moons of Velestus.
Tharon No IC established translation. One of the moons of Velestus.


(H) Centauran Term (L) Centauran Term Standard Equivalent Variations & Notes
No IC established translation. No IC established translation. One It may be reasonable to assume that High Centauran numerals are similar / the same to Low Centauran numerals.
Zyot[4] Two
No IC established translation. Three
No IC established translation. Four
No IC established translation. Five
No IC established translation. Six
No IC established translation. Seven
No IC established translation. Eight
No IC established translation. Nine
No IC established translation. Ten

Flora & Fauna

(H) Centauran Term (L) Centauran Term Standard Equivalent Variations & Notes
No IC established translation. Kerra'vein No IC established translation. A popular local canine-like pet (similar to huskies).
No IC established translation. Lala'vel No IC established translation. A winged creature resembling a terran bat (though with differing colouration).
No IC established translation. No IC established translation. Centauran Manta[5]
No IC established translation. Fikarionin[4] Seaweed
No IC established translation. Nelthria No IC established translation. A flower native to Velestus, the nectar of which is used in ceremonies[4].

Food & Beverages

(H) Centauran Term (L) Centauran Term Standard Equivalent
No IC established translation. No IC established translation. Centauran Sunset An alcoholic beverage supposedly originating or popular on Velestus[6].
No IC established translation. Fikarionin Voristh Breakfast of Seaweed A wrap-style breakfast food encased in seaweed which may be reminiscent of gyros and/or sushi[4].
No IC established translation. Mellithran No IC established translation. A purple jicama-like vegetable native to Velestus.

Traditionally sliced up into wafers and dipped into nelthria nectar as part of the "Eikostasia" holiday tradition.

Other Species

Centauran Term Standard Equivalent Variations & Notes
Humanei[1] Humans (Terrans) It may be reasonable to assume that High Centauran species names are similar / the same to Low Centauran names.
No IC established translation. Vulcans
No IC established translation. Andorians
No IC established translation. Tellarites
No IC established translation. Betazoids
No IC established translation. Caitians

Miscellaneous Terminology

(H) Centauran Term (L) Centauran Term Standard Equivalent Variations & Notes
No IC established translation. Palla Velestos[1] Low/Old Centauran
No IC established translation. High/New Centauran
Ekko[1] / Ekko-e- I (myself) / I was
Exrenitii[1] Explorers
Paravota(n)[1] Mistake(n)
Kouse(i)[1] Hear(d)
N'bekh[7] Villain (roughly) An insult pre-dating standardization of the Centauran language with various intepretations.

Common Phrases

Centauran Phrase Standard Equivalent Variations & Notes
Ekko-e-paravotan hamartánein.[8] I was mistaken, I grant you my air. A formal apology, dating back to "The Plague Years"[9].
Áneipse korris. Breathe easy. A casual response, meaning approximately, "Don't worry about it."
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Robin Hopper: It's All Greek to Me (SD 239911.08)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Lt. Robin Hopper: With The Current (SD 240005.09)
  3. Lt. Robin Hopper: With The Current (SD 240005.09)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 JP - Robin Hopper & Nathan Richards: A Special Kind of Knowing (Part 1) (SD 240012.01)
  5. Lt. Cmdr Robin Hopper: Facing the Day (Part 1) (SD 240012.06)
  6. JP - Robin Hopper & Nathan Richards: A Special Kind of Knowing (Part 4) (SD 240012.04)
  7. Harrison Kiani: Snakes & Ladders
  8. Harrison Kiani: Who you gonna call? (Part II)
  9. The last phrase being better understood as a formal apology, descending from 'The Plague Years', a time of unrest and biological warfare characterized by the commodification of even the most basic necessities, including breathable air.