Bil (star)

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Bil (star)
Region Avalon Sector
Sector Bila
Star system Bila (system)
System type Single star
Position Primary
Stellar Class F6
Luminosity Class V
Colour Orange
Mass 1.3 solar masses
Surface Temp 4892.39K
Stellar Luminosity 3.824 solar lumins solar luminosities
Age 4.6 GYr.

An aging star, the Bil star has nearly reached the end of it's lifetime. Analysis by the 2369 survey gave it no more than a hundred local years before it begins a period rapid brightening that would burn away the oceans on Bila III, meaning that in roughly two thousand terran years, it would be uninhabitable. Long term planning by the Bilaraian government began, but due to their species unusual requirements, no system that would meet their requirements has yet been found. While the Federation Diplomatic Corps is investigating, no major progress has been made.