Search results
- the aeronautic and naval functions and operations of United [[Earth]]'s militaries<ref>[ ''Unit [[Category:Militaries]]974 bytes (130 words) - 02:46, 6 January 2023
- AeroNav Combined Services]]. It is one of [[Earth]]'s longest-operating militaries, originating as the naval division of the armed forces of Old Britain many2 KB (241 words) - 02:41, 6 January 2023
- ...e Stein family has a long tradition of military service in many of the top militaries.3 KB (556 words) - 21:30, 3 January 2016
- ..."virtual war" between that planet and Vendikar, and thus destroyed by the militaries of those planets (2217).3 KB (499 words) - 05:18, 27 November 2014
- ...ut it was fighting less technologically advanced peoples with disorganized militaries.30 KB (5,000 words) - 22:28, 7 December 2014