Laudean Rituals & Customs


Traditional Laudean Greetings and "Handshakes"

Men greeting Men

If both parties are male they hold there hands outward with the palms up. (Like you are about to give the, Vulcan Live Long and Prosper) They then touch the plams together.

Men greeting Women

If one Laudean is female and the other male the routine is the same, only after they touch palms the male Laudean kisses the woman on the cheek.

Women greeting Women

If both parties are female they touch palms (as above) and then both kiss one another on the cheek after touching palms.

Laudean Birthing Ritual

  • Giving Birth is either done at the home, in a hospital, or at the home of a Mid-Wife.
  • No medication is used. Instead the oil taken from a root called Derma is used.
  • In all settings a Mid-Wife is present.
    • The Mid-Wife is specially trained to use her [Fielding] power to sense the unborn child's life engery.

The Mid-Wive is in charge of the ritual and normally only her the mother and the father are present, and sometimes a Mid-Wife Apprentice will observe. The mid-wife lights special sweet smelling oil incense that releases endorphens into the air, putting all in the room at ease. Next, the mother is propped up with pillows under her legs and back. Then the Derma is poured on the mother, which numbs the area, allowing the infant to exit smoothly. The Mid-Wife now begins to palpate around the womans' middle to insure the baby is in the proper position. While doing this she chants a poem in the Ancient Laudean tongue. The poem is lyrical and sounds like a lullaby; in fact the poem is about the first birth according to Laudean creation myths. She continiues to repeat the chant until the baby has emerged. The umbilical cord is then cut using a conventional laser scalpel. The Mid-Wife then blesses the baby by placing the symbol for welcome on the infant's forehead, bringing the ritual to a close.