- Name: Aidan
- Date of Birth: March 2
- Gender: Male
- Place of Residence: Atlanta, Georgia
- Main Language: English
- Date Joined UFOP: May 2009
Created Characters
- Lieutenant J.G. Tobias Brel, Counselor aboard the USS Tiger.
Inactive NPCs
- The Prex family: Corbin Prex, Esme Prex, Darin Prex - so far they have only been referenced in sims but no doubt one of them will make an appearance at some point
- Davina Cairns - former love interest of Brel's, now just good friends
- Former Brel hosts: Ortho, Lalla, Kerin and Auna - all are obviously dead (hence the inactivity) but are the subject of reference in sims and influence who Brel is
- Ensign Carstairs - a patient of Brel's who works in the Tiger's Science department and attempted to procure a room switch