Mailea Labria/Personal history

< Mailea Labria
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Her first hosts were strict followers of Surak and with complete suppression of emotions, kind during Mailea’s gentle years, when too much strong emotions could harm her. But at the same time made her grew up thinking that her powers are something to be ashamed of, what is following her whole her life, even now.

Second hosts were "V'tosh ka'tur" or "Vulcans without Logic". Life with them was constant test for Mailea and everything she learned about suppressing emotions and controlling her powers. But she was happy. For the first time in her life Mailea was feeling... but it didn’t last long. Her hosts decided to join their like-minded compatriots in their nomadic life and search for those who left long ago in search for fusion of logic and emotions.

Mailea, taught to experience emotions fully and abandoned again, was devastated. And this was the first time since her arrival to Vulcan that she was reminded how different she is, when was denied Kolinahr.


Again in “proper” family managed to find a tutor and make him lead her on a ritual pilgrimage which she planned to be a cleansing, but old man teaches her many important lessons, making her appreciate her ancestry, and everything her difference mean. And among them also the fact that her emotions as strong as they are, are there to help her learn control.

Among many stories, last one stayed in her mind forever...

Sarvak: The battle rage between two “wolves” inside us all. One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.

After thinking about it for some ime she asked..

Labria: Which wolf wins?

Sarvak: The one you feed.

Finishing this story he left her in a base of mount Seleya, to meditate through his teachings and accept IDIC.

When returned “home”, she did it with decision to join StarFleet...


Whole her life she knew she wants in Starfleet, and was preparing for it, finding her place in research. She was good in sciences, both soft and hard, as also medical sciences and first aid

Every time when some kind of end happened it was a time Mailea felt her uniqueness as a burden. All her colleagues were writing happy letters to their loved ones to tell them of their great accomplishments. Everyone has someone to turn to when it was hard to lean on when needed strength to proceed. She had no one. She was one and only, a child – creation not even her creators wanted. She was always different and always in wrong place.

When was found as a little child and her psionic strength recognized the fact she was also part Vulcan made people who found her sent her to Vulcan.

Was it right choice for a girl. For a long time she hated it. It was never easy or gentle on her. Never right. But can anyone choose their parents or a way to live through childhood. Listening to her roommate from Bajor waking up screaming in the middle of the night Mailea was happy for relative safety she had in her youth. But watching gentle parents with hands full of gifts visiting their children, even her roommate, Mailea felt always so lonely.

So after two years on Academy always spending those days hiding... and in tears, on third she made a list of places to visit, not to be in a dorm when they come.

Since Mailea spent 7 years on Academy due to change in mayor from Science to medical and in the end finally settled as operations a list of visited sites turned into an Impressive Itinerary.


But the real reason it lasted so long is not just her need to settle but the fact that was repeating a year and repeating it after almost 20 years of traveling the Galaxy in search for herself.

During her final year on academy Mailea met a shadowy figure who gave her a PADD with 5 names. Soon she found out those names belong to people of races she descend from and figured they must be her “parents”. So left academy and in her SS Pi'yel-hali (Little ship in Vulcan) started a search of her ancestry. Soon Mailea realized that due to her age, it is absolutely not surprise, that all those people are long dead.

When almost gave up on her search (which at the moment ate almost 10 years of her life) suddenly found a common thread. At one time all of them requested transport to very scarcely part on the edge of Par'tha Expanse, which was in the time she was found near Renaaran Sector unknown territory.

Finally Mailea had “something”. It was not much, but enough to start with. Scanning of the region in search of anything that would seem as a research facility or center took 7 years, but every time she wanted to give up something pulled her to move just a grid away and continue her research.

Lab was dead for ages and everything was or taken away or destroyed. When finally found what was looking for, when thought she’ll find out something her heart was so wildly plucked from her chest that she just wanted to die. Mailea was wandering through dead corridors and rooms for days, always hoping she’ll find something what will give her some answers, and after maybe a week and maybe a month, who knows she found one old memory module well hidden, pushed between a closet and a wall. This story is covered in Mailea - Construct.


When finally found what she is was ready to return to Academy and join Starfleet. Since she finished all her courses and passed exams too long ago Mailea was asked to retake some of them. Since was near SB 118 had Academy campus, Mailea was instructed to go there. When reached her new Academy quarters, first was surprised by the fact she’s not sharing it, at least for the moment and then by the size of them.

It took her 2 years to relearn changes in last 20 years and retake all exams, and now only one last thing was dealing her from becoming an Ensign and it was final exam.

Lea awoke early, or better to say, deep into the station's night, but she was quite satisfied by that fact. She used an hour or so for meditation, sitting on the bed in Lotus position, starting with breathing exercises. Touching parts of her body with her mind, she made them resonate properly. It was a long and tedious process, but at the same time, restful for her whole body. The most important part of it, was it always cleansed her mind. After a rich breakfast took a sonic shower, ordered a new clean uniform. When finally fully clothed took care of her rich white hair binding it firmly. When finally set and ready checked chronometer and smiled. With precision timing inherited from her El-Aurian side Mailea reached Holodeck 17 less than a minute before her instructors.