James Kolk

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Known History

Jackford "Evil Jack" Kolk is a version of Jackford B. Kolk who was a Starfleet Lieutenant and Chief Engineer on Deep Space 17 in an alternate universe until he was arrested for insubordination, and perhaps even treason, by his commanding officer, Station Commander Danny Wilde of the alternate universe. Before any further action could be taken against him, he escaped and accidentally crossed over into our universe.

Once here, he made his way onto the USS Ronin to seek his revenge on this universe's Lt. Commander Wilde but was briefly apprehended until a subspace surge from the first warp-capable Sya-Negan ship knocked out many of the Ronin's systems, including the brig's forcefields. He managed to severely injure Lt. Commander Wilde, shooting him five times, at close range, with two phaser rifles, but was then knocked out by a swift kick from Dr. Adair. He was then placed in a stasis pod that was beamed to the Ronin's brig. His stasis pod is now in the custody of DS17's Security Department.


Set down to a nice cup of chocolate milk, he would likely complain about being confused with someone from the "Mirror Universe." He would insist that his universe isn't nearly as barbaric as that, and in this one he's very misunderstood. He's just trying to make a life for himself in a universe where everyone is against him... Of course, if I were you, I wouldn't get too sympathetic in that discussion; he might slit your throat in an instant if it meant he'd have a chance to get free.