Typhon Expanse

Revision as of 01:44, 24 August 2005 by Salak (talk | contribs)

This is a highly dangerous area of space that provides a natural juncture between Romulan and Federation space. Known for its temporal disturbances it is an otherwise visually average collection of many star systems and other objects.

It had never before been charted or even explored until the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D entered it circa stardate 45652. On this occasion the vessel was nearly trapped in a time-loop vortex with the older U.S.S. Bozeman which ended up being brought forward in time.

The Typhon Expanse's temporal features means it usually has to be circumnavigated by vessels wishing to reach space beyond (including the Duronis system) and as such acted as a natural border between the Federation and relatively vast amounts of uncharted space.