
Revision as of 05:12, 12 November 2024 by Indrid Yirah (talk | contribs) (→‎Fauna: sim info)
Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code TAMA
Federation Status Allied
Planet of Origin Sigma Tama IV
Encountered TNG: Darmok
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level
List of Named Tamarians

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Home System

  • Quadrant: Alpha Quadrant[1]
  • Location:
  • Proper Name: Sigma Tama system (also called Tamarian system)[2]
  • Star:
  • Classification:
  • Distance from Star: Fourth planet from the sun[3]
  • Companions: 4[4]
  • Moons:

Home World

  • Proper Name: Sigma Tama IV (also known as Tamar and Tama Prime)[5]
  • Diameter:
  • Gravity:
  • Axial Tilt:
  • Orbital Period:
  • Rotational Period:
  • Classification: M
    • Surface Water:
    • Atmosphere:
    • Climate:
    • Terrain:
    • Population:


  • Tamarian Orchid[6]


  • Tamarian meerkat[7]
  • Tamarian mouse[8]
  • Tamarian eagle[9]
  • Tamarian sloth[10]


The Children of Tama, also known as Tamarians, are a species from the planet Sigma Tama IV. They were first encountered by the Federation in 2268 and over the next hundred years they they met with Federation ships a total of seven times. Federation translators were not able to understand the Tamarian language due to its metaphorical nature, preventing the establishing of formal relations between the two. In 2368, a Tamarian ship arrived at El-Adrel IV and began transmitting a signal.[11] The USS Enterprise was sent to investigate and while there the Tamarian captain Dathon beamed himself and Captain Jean-Luc Picard to the planet's surface, in an attempt to establish a dialogue through the idea of "Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra" – the idea of cooperation against an enemy leading to mutual understanding and friendship. Captain Dathon would die as a result of the creature on the planet but was able to establish an understanding with Captain Picard making it the first successful contact between the Federation and Tamarians.[12]

In 2381 the first Tamarian had joined Starfleet.[13]




Tamarians generally resemble humanoids with some differences. The Tamarian head possesses two long slitted nostrils and have no visible auricles, but instead have two small holes located on the sides of the head, a little higher than humanoid ear. A large ridge runs from the top of their nose to the back of the head and several more bony ridges or flaps of skin can be observed on the sides of the skull. Apart from typical sexual dimorphisms observed in many humanoid species, female Tamarians feature the same characteristics.

Tamarian hands varied in that their thumbs are elongated and have a sucker-like tip at the end.

Tamarian skin is colored light brown with several darker red markings, especially on the head. The species seems to be completely hairless and their blood is white, which shone through in some small arteries on the head.[14]




Tamarian religion had an ascension process that involved insects called florka.[16]





The Tamarian spoken language is incredibly unique. It is spoken in allegory, referencing mytho-historical people and places from their culture.[17]


  • Tamarian fruit cake[18]


  • Tamarian sour - citrus contrasted with spicy bitters and a hint of sweet. Low on alcohol content.[19]


  • Tamarian whistle[20]




Starfleet Intelligence Files


  1. Sigma Tama IV, Memory Beta
  2. Sigma Tama, Memory Beta
  3. Sigma Tama IV, Memory Beta
  4. Sigma Tama, Memory Beta
  5. Sigma Tama IV, Memory Beta
  6. Reinforcements, PNPC Lt. Pershan, USS Khitomer, 240107.11
  7. Ghosts of Antagonisms Past, LtCmdr Traenor, USS Andaris, 239402.23
  8. The Metaphorical Cliff, Captain Whittaker, USS Columbia, 239606.03
  9. My Kingdom! My Kingdom For A Broom Closet!, PNPC Lieutenant Pran, USS Columbia, 239604.23
  10. Gymnasium Blues, PNPC Lieutenant Haneer, USS Andaris, 239605.08
  11. Tamarian deep space cruiser, Memory Alpha
  12. "The Children of Tama", Memory Alpha
  13. "The Children of Tama", Memory Alpha
  14. "The Children of Tama", Memory Alpha
  15. Good Natured Ribbing, Lt. Commander Whittaker, StarBase 118 Ops, 239303.17
  16. "The Children of Tama", Memory Alpha
  17. Tamarian language, Memory Alpha
  18. The Scandalous & The Mandatory, JP: Lt Zenno & Ens Saava, USS Khitomer, 240107.15
  19. Meandering, Commodore Taybrim, StarBase 118 Ops, 239911.29
  20. If I Could Put Ships In A Bottle, Dr. Rosemary Shriver, USS Veritas, 239712.30

Content from this article may have
come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha