Wes Greaves/Greaves's Academy Transcripts

< Wes Greaves
Revision as of 03:36, 6 September 2024 by Indrid Yirah (talk | contribs)
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3.8 - ADMIN101: Starfleet Operations
3.5 - ADMIN110: Chain of Command and General Protocol
3.1 - DIPL101: General
3.3 - ENG221: LCARS Programming 1
3.1 - ENG231: Computer Memory and Personnel Interfaces
2.8 - ENG232: Replicators, Transporters and Holodecks
3.0 - ENG233: Sensors, Communications and Helm Systems
4.0 - HIST101: Birth of the Federation
3.6 - LANG101: Federation Standard
3.5 - LANG1_0: Klingon
4.0 - LAW101: Federation, General
3.5 - MATH101: Concepts
4.0 - MED101: First Aid and Field Medicine
3.1 - PHYS101: Concepts
3.9 - PILOT101: Runabouts and Shuttles
4.0 - SURV101: Starship Emergencies
4.0 - SURV110: Environmental Suits and Zero-G Training
4.0 - TAC101: Combat, Unarmed
4.0 - TAC110: Combat, Small Weapons
3.2 - BIO101: Concepts
3.1 - XEN101: General
3.3 - Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Sublight
3.5 - Astrogation: Navigation of Starships, Warp Speed
3.0 - Astronomy: Astrophysics, Advanced
3.1 - Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 1
3.0 - Astronomy: Stellar Cartography 2
2.9 - Engineering: Introduction to Warp Systems
3.2 - Engineering: Advanced Warp Systems
3.0 - Engineering: Impulse Systems
3.3 - Engineering: Intermediate Electronics 1
3.2 - Engineering: Deflectors, Weapons and Security Systems
3.1 - Physics: Warp Theory
3.8 - Piloting: Minor Ships
3.7 - Piloting: Major Ships
3.9 - Tactics: Combat, Minor Starships
4.0 - Tactics: Combat, Major Starships
3.8 - Tactics: Combat, Shuttles and Runabouts
3.9 - Tactics: Combat, Phasers and Photon Torpedos
4.0 - Tactics: Leadership
Completed - Starfleet Marine Basic School
GPA: 3.49