Hello! — I'm Ryan (He/They) and I am currently writing for the primary character Doz Finch.
Say hello on discord: maryisquitecontrary

Starbase 118 Join Date November 2021
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I'm a Liverpool born person who casually enjoys storytelling in all of its forms. I have been roleplaying and writing characters now for over fifteen years. Once a theatre person myself, I now work in travel and can usually be found on commercial planes going to and from the UK. Some of the things that I enjoy most are city breaks, watching films and TV shows, music and chocolate. I generally refer to myself as a Voyager fan, as this remains my favourite of all the Star Trek productions.

Get to know me

Who are you currently writing for?

Doz Finch, an ebullient, high energy engineer
with a brummie accent. (Youtube it!)

Early bird or night owl?

Night owl 🦉

Any hobbies?

Travel, Machinima Filmmaking,

Favourite places you have visited?

Prague & Geneva 📍

What's the best TV series you ever watched?


Favourite Trek series?

VOY & PIC. (Big Janeway fan)

Favourite film franchise(s)?

The Alien franchise and the Hunger Games films.

Favourite all time film?

Matilda! (Both versions)

What's your happy place?

If I'm not on a city-break somewhere in Europe,
then it's watching a Netflix show with some good food.

Why did you join 118?

Many reasons but the most impacting
for me was the wiki. I am a very visual
person and find imagery (still and moving)
in storytelling very important (and fun!)

What are your goals at Starbase 118?

Continuing to improve my sims, eventually joining the Academy team
and to help support the ship I'm writing on with mentoring.

Current PC/PNPC's

Recurring NPC's/MSPNPC's

"Guest Roles" at other ships/stations

Amity Outpost - As NPC's "Rusty" and "Terrora"

Out of Character Badges, Achievements, Awards

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What do you want to do tonight, Brain?
What do you want to do tonight, Brain?
Under warranty
Under warranty
Press F to Honor
Press F to Honor