Hello! — I'm Ryan (He/They) and I write for the character Doz Finch.
Say hello on discord, I dare you. Corpsette#5400

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Where are you from?

Liverpool, UK.

What do you do for a living?

I'm Cabin Crew. ✈️

Any hobbies?

Listening to movie soundtracks; chilling with my cat; being an expert hermit.

What's the best TV series you ever watched?

LOST - and my favourite character was Juliet.

Favourite film franchise(s)?

The Alien franchise and the Hunger Games films.

Favourite all time film?


Do you have a favourite Star Trek series or film?

I only watch casually, but I started with and will always love Voyager — especially Janeway.

Favourite episode(s)?

Year of Hell 1&2, Dark Frontier, Prototype (to name a few).

What are your goals at Starbase 118?

For now it's to become a better writer and to hopefully build a menagerie of characters that I am deeply proud of and keep coming back to.
