Andy Monroe

Joined 16 April 2019
Revision as of 06:26, 26 November 2021 by Andy Monroe (talk | contribs)
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Basic Stats

  • Name: Cecil
  • Joined StarBase 118: Around April, 2019
  • Writer ID: V239604AM0
  • Favorite Trek series/movie:

I like all of them for one reason or another. It doesn't particularly matter. It's been a while, and now I'm here to quietly say a quiet, formal goodbye. Today I was thinking about which things made the biggest difference during my hardest times. Until now, I'd put 118 out of my mind. Too much going on in my life. But it wasn't enough to forget that this place made me feel welcome and loved during a time when I was really struggling, and even part of 2020 when everyone was struggling. It meant the world to me. If you remember me and see this, or when you do, know that I'm safe and doing the best I can in life. I have a ways to go, but I'm getting there. More importantly, know there aren't enough words in any language to express how thankful I am for the people I had the chance to talk to.

As it stands, I don't think I can really be back here. I don't have the time, nor do I have the same level of interest in it even with the fondness. If I do come back, it won't be for a long time. This is me getting a little closure where I can. Thank you for the friendship, and the fun while I was here.

With all of the love in my heart, Live long, and prosper.