User:Didrik Stennes/Sandbox


Serala Commodores, please introduce yourselves and tell us which ship/installation you command.
Nicholotti Kalianna Nicholotti, aka Marissa, formally in command of the USS Excalibur - A as of a few days ago. 🙂
Taybrim Hello! My name is Jamie and I play Commodore Sal Taybrim, Commanding officer of that big old Trojan Class II Starbase whose name you might be familiar with: StarBase 118 Ops!
Reynolds I'm Emma, player of Vice Admiral Quinn Reynolds, and I command the USS Gorkon. :sovereign_class:
Vataix Roshanara Rahman, aka Rich, and now playing as Ambassador Rivi Vataix for @amity Outpost!
Rajel I'm Jess playing Jalana Rajel the CO of the USS Constitution (or as we call her: Conny)
Kells Hey! I'm Tony, currently playing Aron Kells, CO of Thor (though both of those are likely to change soonish) (stay tuned!)