Sameh Neam

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USS Chin'toka

Sameh Neam.png

Lieutenant Sameh Neam

Lieutenant Sameh Neam is currently serving as a Security/Tactical Officer aboard the USS Chin'toka


  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 240lbs
  • Hair: Curly, dark brown
  • Eyes: Dark
  • Build: Muscular, Athletic
  • Birthmark: None
  • Scar: Left forearm
  • Voice: Husky
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous
  • Posture: Sitting: Normally perfect posture, hands steepled in front of him when in thought. Standing: Perfect posture hand as his side
  • Off Duty Attire: Usually a t-shirt and cargo shorts or jeans, semi-formal if necessary, cargo shorts and sleeveless shirt

Personal Information

  • Hobbies:
    • Swimming
    • Paddle boarding
    • Reading
    • Sparring
  • Favourite Food:
  • Favourite Drink:
  • Likes:
    • Runs along the beach
    • Staring at the waves
    • Meeting new people
    • Trying fun things
  • Dislikes:


  • Temperament: Laid back



Sam grew up on Risa with his two mom's. One was a barista and the other worked as a manager at the resort. They worked hard to provide him the best life they could and instilled in him that to achieve your dreams you have to work hard.

They always celebrated that he was of two worlds and he was often back and forth between them, so that he could embrace both of his heritages. His mentor on Betazed, was like a father to him. He helped him learn how to use his abilities to the fullest and always did his best to guide him in the right direction. Looking out for him when his moms couldn't make it to Betazed with him.

He met a lot of people as he grew up who came to Risa for relaxation and a lot of those people were Federation officers. He heard fascinating tales of adventure in the stars and from then on he knew he wanted to join Starfleet. When the time came he set out to Betazed to join the academy in the hopes to become a Security Officer.

After graduating from the academy, Sam was assigned to the USS Churchill where he served as a Security/Tactical Officer. He served there for three years before he decided it was time for him to move on. He wanted a different change of pace and to see more. They had been on assignment as a ready reserve support vessel at Deep Space 285 and it was time for a change. He put in a transfer and it had been accepted, he was to report to the USS Chin'toka right away.

Service Record

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 4th Class 2391-2392 Starfleet Academy Security/Tactical
Cadet 3rd Class 2392-2393
Cadet 2nd Class 2393-2394
Cadet 1st Class 2394-2395
Ensign 2395-2396  
USS Churchill
Security/Tactical Officer
Lieutenant JG 2396-2397
Lieutenant 2397-2398
Lieutenant 2398-Present  
USS Chin'toka
Security/Tactical Officer

Chronological History

Crew Roster

NPC Listing   ·   USS Chin'toka Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Aine Sherlock
Chief of Operations
Acting Chief of Eng.
Ghee’looth Xiron
Acting CTSO
Asst. CMO
Sylvie Doucet
Medical Officer
Leenaya Edrei
Chief of Science
Kimberly Stapledon
Science Officer
Skye Shepherd
Alexander Brodie
TacSec Officer
Seleya of Khanda
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