The homeworld of the Ga'terans is a large planet with heavy rains. About 40% of its surface mass is water. Another 60% of its land mass is marsh or swamp. The swamps and seas provide most of their food supplies.
Their are only 2 major cities, one on each of the major continents. Adillee is on the largest continent and is the major port of call by off worlders. Crindoo is the other major city on the smaller continent. There are a large number of islands and many smaller communities that dot the planets surface.
The waters are rich in sea life and it forms the staple of the Ga'teran diet. They also raise various forms of reptiles for meat. Most of the people learn to swim before they can walk.
While the Ga'teran people are a race prone to violence they have learned the folly of fighting wars among themselves. They will still fight and most battles are to the death but these conflicts are controlled with only a single set of warriors or very small teams fighting.