Shakkar Jakobi

Revision as of 01:48, 23 July 2021 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (fixed name in his sidebar, updated colors, updated service history, added references)
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Crew of the USS Braveheart


Lieutenant Shakkar Jakobi

Lieutenant Shakkar Jakobi is a medical Officer aboard the USS Braveheart.


  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 182 lb
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Build: Average-looking.


  • Usually quiet and reserved.
  • Quirks:
    • Insomnia


  • Father: Nadir Kcire (64) -- Farmer
  • Mother: Rial Taren (77) -- Farmer / Artist
  • Siblings: None

Born in the T'Kalin Province, Jakobi knew very little about anything that didn't relate to art and farming. When he was old enough to start helping out on the farm, he did so not only as a general farmhand but also as a general herbalist and healer. This soon turned into a serious interest, and his parents were supportive of his decision to join Starfleet as a physician. They encouraged him to apply, and he did so at the age of 23, once Nadir assured him that he would not be needed.

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 2391 - 2393 Starbase 118 Ops Medical Officer
Lieutenant JG 2393 - 2396 USS Braveheart Medical Officer
Lieutenant 2396 - Present

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Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 2391
Starfleet Academy
Graduated from Starfleet Academy


  • 236506.18: Born in T'Kalin Province, on Bajor to Nadir Kcire and Rial Taren.
  • 237509.16: Developed interest in herbalism and helped out around the farm as both farmhand and amateur healer.
  • 2382: Applies to Starfleet Medical
  • 2391: Graduates from Starfleet Medical and accepts a position on Starbase 118 Ops.
  • 2393: Gets transferred to USS Braveheart as a lieutenant JG medical officer.
  • 2396: Promoted to Lieutenant.
  • 239807.21: Joined Medical Officer Support[1] Group[2]
