Din Pomel

Vital Statistics

Name: Din Pomel
Rank: Petty Officer, 2nd class
Position: Brig Rating
Assignment: USS Triumphant
Species: Andorian
Gender: Female
Height: 5'10", 6' with the antenna
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair color: snow white and shoulder length
Eye color: grayish blue
Build: Slim, athletic yet feminine
Skin tone: Light blue
Place of birth: USS Sunrider


She is 5'10" tall and weights a trim 130 lbs. She has long snow white hair, startling grayish blue eyes and a slim athletic, feminine form that has made heads turn. She has a bit of a playful side and is always willing to make friends, but when it comes to business, she takes things a little more seriously.


Raised in Starfleet, Din is used to taking orders. Aboard her Father's former postings, she learned discipline, and how to adapt quickly to change. She managed to get admitted to Starfleet Academy early.


  • Born onboard USS Sunrider.
  • Raised by Mother, Hepol and Father, Bordeil aboard the USS Nightingale, USS Shimmering Sun, and USS Sunrider.
  • Age 16 - Father posted to Starfleet research facility as lead technician, Family moved to Earth.
  • Age 17 - Entered Star Fleet Academy
  • Age 18 - Graduated from Star Fleet Academy and posted to the USS Brand
  • Age 20 - Transfered to DS12
  • Age 22 - Promoted to Petty Officer
  • Age 23 - Posted to USS Triumphant