
< User:Zephyr
Revision as of 23:02, 31 January 2020 by Zephyr (talk | contribs) (updated Krindo Pandorn CE > FO lines)

Embassy Reconstruction

Embassy Crew History
Command Division
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Dates Notes
Commanding Officer
Rear Admiral Toni Turner xxxxxx.xx - Present
First Officer
Lieutenant Commander Geoffrey Teller 239701.20 - Present
Transferred from USS Veritas.
Lieutenant Commander Krindo Pandorn xxxxxx.xx - 239701.27
Became Chief Engineer.
Second Officer
Lieutenant Ben Garcia xxxxxx.xx - Present
Serving concurrently as HCO Officer.
Helm, Communications & Operations Officer
Lieutenant Ben Garcia xxxxxx.xx - Present
Serving concurrently as Second Officer.
Chief Engineer
Lieutenant Commander Krindo Pandorn 239701.27 - Present
Formerly first officer.
Security & Tactical
Chief of Security
Lieutenant Junior Grade Daylan Daroo xxxxxx.xx - Present
Starfleet Marine Corps
Marine Commanding Officer
Major Hannibal Parker xxxxxx.xx - Present
Marine CO of the USS Thunder-A.
Civil Affairs Group
Lt. Colonel Rode Mitchell xxxxxx.xx - Present
CAG of USS Thunder-A.
Sciences Division
Chief Science Officer
Lieutenant Lorian Lovar xxxxxx.xx - Present
Medical Division
Chief Counselor
Lieutenant Commander Alexander Brodie xxxxxx.xx - Present
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant Commander Addison MacKenzie 239701.20 - Present
Transferred from USS Veritas.
Lieutenant Quen Deena xxxxxx.xx - Present


"Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." -- Albert Camus
  Service Ribbons  
Ribbon Name of Award Recipient
Decoration Name of Award Recipient
  OOC Awards  
Award Name of Award Recipient