Hallia Yellir

Revision as of 02:09, 24 January 2020 by Emilia Krugol (talk | contribs)

Hallia Yellir is currently serving aboard the USS Eagle as a Nursing Aide

USS Eagle
Hallia Yellir-Medical.PNG
Hallia Yellir
Position Nursing Aide
Rank Crewman First Class
Species Yelikan
Gender Female
DOB 237603.26
Age 25
Birthplace Capital District, Yelik
Writer ID G239409EK0


  • Full Name: Hallia Yellir
  • Current Rank: Crewman First Class
  • Race: Yelikan
  • Date of Birth: 237603.26
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5"1
  • Weight: 135lbs
  • Hair: Purple, often done up in a large beehive or up-do
  • Eyes: Bright, almost neon pink
  • Skin Tone: Rich, reddish pink
  • Build: Thin, lean

Personality and Mannerisms

  • Hobbies: Dressmaking, Reading (Especially Poetry), Writing Poetry, Storytelling
  • Likes: Music (personally preferring soul music originating from earth, or classical Yelikan folk songs), Games (Chess, Board games, etc), Animals, People
  • Dislikes: Sudden loud noises, Overly stressful or tense situations, Being unwell
  • Demeanour: Sweet, Quiet, Ditzy, Reserved, Undisciplined, Caring
  • Mannerisms: Thinks out loud, Tends to talk to herself
  • Taste in Clothing: Prefers something colourful and practical, opting for patterned shirts, dresses and pants with flat shoes.

Hallia can often find herself caught off guard in social situations, often getting herself flustered or confused in a conversation. She enjoys the company of others, embracing a different side of herself around those she's close to. Hallia can be seen as a little strange, a little bubbly and sometimes eerily happy. She embraces her humble beginnings, seeing the idea of helping and serving others as a blessing to be shared. However, Hallia is often a little too trusting, never always seeing the full picture of another's intentions.



  • Mother: Mellii Yellir
  • Father: Veryl Yellir (deceased)


  • Anderin Yellir (Brother)
  • Pilliya Yellir (Sister)


  • None

Personal History

Coming Soon!

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Recruit 239410.31 - 239510.31 Deep Space 211 Chief Medical Officer's Yeoman
Crewman Third Class 239510.31 - 239603.28 USS Fortunate Medical Assistant
Crewman Second Class 239603.18 - 239701.13 USS Astraeus Nursing Aide
Crewman First Class 239701.13 - Present USS Eagle Nursing Aide


Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation